Calculate if No Data


Have you ever wondered how the Calculate if No Data setting works?  (I did, and Keith Berry helped me out)

“Calculate if No Data = False” prevents the execution of rules on “OK,NA” (no data) entity.  However, the Calc Status gets changed from “OK,NA” to “OK”, and it impacts the parent (“CN”).

The “False” option is to avoid populating unused entities with rules.



Calculate on “OK,NA”

Force Calculate on “OK,NA”

Calculate if No Data = True

No rule execution

No change in Calc Status

Rule is run

Calc Status changes to “OK” Parent becomes “CN”


Calculate if No Data = False

No rule execution

No change in Calc Status

No rule execution

Calc Status changes to “OK” Parent becomes “CN”



Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks Peter!

New Contributor II

From the "Designing an Application" course:


This seems to say that running a regular Calculate on a OK,NA Data Unit, with Calculate if no data = True (i.e. top left square in the table above), will execute the rules for the data unit.
The top left square above says it will not execute the rules in this case, and you have to Force Calculate (top right square) for the rules to run.

Which one is true, or what am I missing?