Cubeview Reordering

New Contributor

Hi Team,

I am writing this post in regard to moving the cubeview up or down without renaming the CubeViews.

For example: In workflow profile we have option to move the task/activities up and down. Do we have any such kind of options in the Cube Views to rearrange the same.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Inside a Group, CVs are ordered alphabetically. This cannot be modified.

Inside a Profile, Groups are ordered alphabetically. This cannot be modified.

However, you can work around this by hacking the name of Groups (e.g. 1_MyCvs, 2_MyOtherCvs...), so that, after assigning them to a Profile, the actual CVs will appear in the desired order.

If you'd prefer something different, you can submit a proposal in IdeaStream!