Custom calculation with all members of parameter
Hello all,
I am building a planning application on which the end users interact via drop-downs for Entity and UD1 members, and click a "Save Inputs" button that saves input data and runs a custom calculation on the selected entity and UD1.
This is done through a data management step that runs a business rule, and on which the selection of the UD1 and Entity impact the business rule to avoid recalculating all the application each time. There are 6 business rules, that respond to different functional models, activated by different "Save" buttons across the application.
I want to create a button or data management sequence that will run all the business rules (the 6 models) for all UD1 members of the 4 entities, as an admin task. I have created a Data Management sequence that runs the 6 steps consecutively, with its corresponding button, but have not been successful to modify the arguments or the Data Management parameters to perform the calculation for all members, as I cannot input "E#All" or "E#Top.Base" on either side.
What would be the way to fulfill this sort of requirement with the button? And if the only way would be through the business rule and including a "For" loop for all base members, how would it be best practice to write it?
Current configuration, where UD1 and Entity are read:
On the button:
On the Data Management Steps (Using one of the 6 as an example):
On the business rule:
Dim ProfitCentre As String = args.CustomCalculateArgs.NameValuePairs("UD1")
.$"A#[Sample account]:UD1#{ProfitCentre}:{OtherDim}=......
Thank you very much for the support. Please let me know if any clarification is needed to come to a solution.