How to remove currency #EUR and keep #Local amount

New Contributor II


We have a non-euro company that initially reported on input_level. That local amount has been translated to EUR. Later on in the process the local amount was removed, however the converted EUR amount remains in the system.

i have done a force calculate, force translate, (force) consolidate. Nothing seems to remove the EUR amount!?

Question: how to remove the EUR amount without touching the Local amounts.





Hey Rutger,

Is there an override that is creating that balance in the EUR? Usually, the force translate would clear it if there is no local unless it is getting put there by a calculation.



New Contributor II

No Idea! do not know where to look. Further it is in the whole P&L and it is the only company that is 'infected'

I don't think it would be an override in the traditional sense if you are seeing across the P&L the usual overrides are only on the balance sheet. Are you loading both currencies for that entity? Is this entity a parent or a base entity?

New Contributor II

This company is a parent (ownertype 'Holding' in the legal-tree and 'Full consolidation' in the management-tree). The currency setting in the member properties is SEK. The upload is done through excel template and is in/on LOCAL.

Is it using the auto translate feature or is it under a Euro Parent? If it is under a Euro Parent did that parents currency get changed to something other then Euro?

New Contributor II

The parent is also SEK, and the parent above that also SEK. The total group parent is EUR.

Auto translate is 'empty'. 

No change in currencies. Or any tree-structure changes.

New Contributor III


We are seeing something similar with our application. Did you ever find a fix for this?


New Contributor II

Unfortunately not. This was in our second month "live" in onestream. As next month was OK we left it as it was. But it remains not clear.

Hi @Rutger 

We've been facing a similar issue, we managed to resolve this by creating a simple custom calculate finance business rule to clear all translated data. See the steps below:

1) Setup 'ClearTranslatedData' business rule:

Namespace OneStream.BusinessRule.Finance.ClearTranslatedData
	Public Class MainClass
		Public Function Main(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As FinanceRulesApi, ByVal args As FinanceRulesArgs) As Object
				Select Case api.FunctionType

					Case Is = FinanceFunctionType.CustomCalculate
						api.Data.ClearCalculatedData("Cb#MY_CubeName", True, True, True, True)

				End Select

				Return Nothing
			Catch ex As Exception
				Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
			End Try
		End Function
	End Class
End Namespace

2) Create a Data Management Job to execute the ClearTranslatedData business rule.

3) Configure you parameters as required.

