Hi Ann05:
For suppression: yes, you can suppress values based on the row block in the Cube View report builder.
Select your Cube View > Rows and Columns > Select the Row Block where you want suppression > Data tab > Suppression > set the toggles based on your need.
You can also let a user modify the suppression settings when viewing the Cube View by setting the 'Can Modify Suppression'. This will give them a small icon in the cube view from which to suppress or unsuppress rows.
Select your Cube View > General Settings > Common > Restrictions > set 'Can Modify Suppression'
As for keeping formatting while in Excel. You can format Cube Views to have independent Excel formatting across the Report Default settings, Row settings and Column settings. I'd then recommend using a Cube View connection from Excel to make the report refreshable from Excel while staying linked to the cube view's settings.
Cheers, -db