Multiple error log deletion

New Contributor III


Can somebody please tell me the process/code of clearing multiple errors let's say 12 pages from Error Log in one go? There is a limitation in Administrator Solution Tools to delete logs prior to 30 days. I would really appreciate the help.




Contributor III

I can't see any limitation in the code - I have attached it in case it answers your question:

Private Sub ClearErrorLog(ByVal si As SessionInfo, retentionDays As Integer, stepThreshold As Integer, taskItem As TaskActivityItem, batchSize As Integer, clearLogUser As String, clearLogApplication As String, errorLogDescription As String)
        'Initialize the Task Activity update threshold
        Dim updateTime As DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5)
        'Calculate the date threshold to used for the delete criteria
        Dim yearMonthDay As String = GetThresholdDate(si, retentionDays, stepThreshold)
        'Make sure that we do not clear log items if this Step Threshold is less than the Threshold selected by the user
        If (Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(yearMonthDay)) Then

            Dim parameters As New List(Of DbParamInfo) From {
                    New DbParamInfo("@yearMonthDay", yearMonthDay),
                    New DbParamInfo("@clearLogUser", clearLogUser),
                    New DbParamInfo("@clearLogApplication", clearLogApplication),
                    New DbParamInfo("@errorLogDescription", errorLogDescription.Trim())

            'Delete all log information older than the supplied date
            Dim msg As New Text.StringBuilder
            msg.Append($"Delete Error Log ({yearMonthDay}) ")

            Using dbConnFW As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateFrameworkDbConnInfo(si)
                Dim logCount As Long = 0

                'Get count of errors that match this date criteria and store in logCount variable
                Dim sqlErrorLog As String = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS ErrorCount
                FROM ErrorLog
                WHERE (ErrorTime < CONVERT(DATETIME, @yearMonthDay, 102))"
                If clearLogUser <> "(All)" Then
                    sqlErrorLog &= " AND UserName = @clearLogUser"
                End If
                If clearLogApplication <> "(All)" Then
                    sqlErrorLog &= " AND AppName = @clearLogApplication"
                End If
                If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errorLogDescription.Trim) Then
                    sqlErrorLog &= " AND Description LIKE '%' + @errorLogDescription + '%' "
                End If
                Using dt As DataTable = BRApi.Database.ExecuteSql(dbConnFW, sqlErrorLog, parameters, True)
                    logCount = CType(dt.Rows(0).Item(0), Long)
                End Using

                'Now delete all of the Error Log Entries one batch at a time
                Dim sqlLogDelete As String = $"DELETE TOP ({batchSize}) 
                FROM ErrorLog
                WHERE (ErrorTime < CONVERT(DATETIME, @yearMonthDay, 102))"
                 If clearLogUser <> "(All)" Then
                    sqlLogDelete &= " AND UserName = @clearLogUser"
                End If
                If clearLogApplication <> "(All)" Then
                    sqlLogDelete &= " AND AppName = @clearLogApplication"
                End If
                If errorLogDescription.Trim <> "" Then
                    sqlLogDelete &= " AND Description LIKE '%' + @errorLogDescription + '%' "
                End If
                'Now keep executing and committing this statement until the records affected count = 0
                Dim cumErrorDeleteCount As Long = 0
                Dim rowsErrorDeleted As Long = 0
                Dim pctComplete As Decimal = 0d

                'Keep deleting as long as the number of rows is equal to the batch size
                Do While cumErrorDeleteCount < logCount
                    'Delete rows, but limit to batch size
                    rowsErrorDeleted = DbSql.ExecuteActionQuery(dbConnFW, CommandType.Text, sqlLogDelete.ToString, parameters, True)
                    cumErrorDeleteCount += rowsErrorDeleted

                    'Update TaskActivityStatus
                    If taskItem IsNot Nothing Then
                        If DateTime.Now >= updateTime Then
                            'Reset the update time indicator
                            updateTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5)
                            'Update the task status
                            pctComplete = Math.Round(((cumErrorDeleteCount / logCount) * 100), 0)
                            UpdateTaskActivityStatus(si, taskItem, $"Deleted: ({cumErrorDeleteCount}) Errors Of ({logCount}) Total Errors", pctComplete, 100)
                        End If
                    End If

                'Update task status for final delete (Set to 100%)
                UpdateTaskActivityStatus(si, taskItem, "Deleting Error Log", 100, 100)

                'Log the delete information
                msg.Append($"Error Log Entries = {logCount}")
                If logCount > 0 Then
                    BRApi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, msg.ToString)
                End If
            End Using
        End If

    Catch ex As Exception
        Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
    End Try
End Sub


New Contributor III

Hi MarcusH, 

Thanks for your answer. I am not a coder but  as I can see in the dashboard of Administrator Solution Tools, Days to Retain is still the same i.e. 30 days by applying your code in the AST_ClearLogsForThreshold extender. I would appreciate if this can be reduced to zero.




Contributor III

I have found where the limit is. You will need to update the function GetThreshold limit in the Extender rule AST_ClearLogsForThreshold like this:

Private Function GetThresholdDate(ByVal si As SessionInfo, retentionDays As Integer, stepThreshold As Integer) As String
        Dim yearMonthDay As String = String.Empty

        'Make sure that we do not clear log items if this Step Threshold is less than the Threshold selected by the user
        'and do NOT allow retention days less than 30.
        ' Remove the 30 day limit
        ' If (retentionDays <> 0) AndAlso (retentionDays >= 30) AndAlso (stepThreshold <> 0) AndAlso (stepThreshold >= retentionDays) Then
        If (retentionDays <> 0) AndAlso (stepThreshold <> 0) AndAlso (stepThreshold >= retentionDays) Then
            'Calculate the date threshold to used for the delete criteria
            yearMonthDay = DateTime.Now().AddDays(stepThreshold * -1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00")
        End If
        Return yearMonthDay

    Catch ex As Exception
        Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
    End Try
End Function

And secondly update the parameter RetentionDays_ASTLCR so that days less than 30 can be entered. There must have been a reason why the 30 day limit was introduced so you should test this thoroughly before clearing it all. There is still a restriction on entering 0 days.

New Contributor III

Thanks MarcusH!

However, the parameter accepts less than 30 days, but the logs are not being cleared before 30 days.