No Entity on Report

New Contributor

Does anybody know what settings to look at to make sure I get numbers and an entity here? I was trying to follow the OneStream Essentials Building Simple Cube Views but seem to have reached a road block. Thanks!

Screenshot 2024-07-08 155208.png


Contributor III

It appears to me you may not have a valid column or may have column suppression on.  I would start by looking at your columns here, either under Rows and Columns or Advanced Tab then columns:



Teresa C. Kress
Principal Delivery Manager Partner Enablement | OneStream Software

New Contributor


Yes suppression was on! Do you know why data won't show now though? Thank you for your help.

Contributor III

It is pretty rare to use column suppression but if you only have one column and you suppress it, it will not show.

The fact that your column is pink tells me you have an invalid intersection.  You can right click on any cell and check your cell POV.  I am guessing you have a dimension off which is why you are not getting any data.

Teresa C. Kress
Principal Delivery Manager Partner Enablement | OneStream Software

New Contributor

Yes, I did not have USD set and that is why it was red. All intersections were correct, and have been verified. I don't know what else to check

Contributor II

If you are not getting data then i'm afraid that one of the intersections in your cube view must be incorrect, or the data has not yet calculated/consolidated to the intersections you are looking at.

I would recommend pointing your cube view at the base intersection (for all dimensions) where you know some data sits. You can then change it dimension, one at a time, to hopefully figure out which one is causing you an issue.

New Contributor

Thank you.

Do you have any suggestions on how to do that?