New Contributor III

Based on collective feedback, the OneStream Certification Program is improving its systems to create a more positive candidate experience.

Be advised that certification exams will be unavailable for delivery during the planned transition period of January 1 – 22, 2023. During this time candidates will still be able to access their CertMetrics account.

This transition will impact the overall candidate experience, including the registration and operating system requirements for examinees. To address this, the Certification Team will update the Registration Guide and “What to Expect While Taking an Exam” Video ensuring candidates are fully informed and prepared to take their exam.

In the coming weeks, the Certification website will undergo updates to reflect these changes. Check back regularly for update...

Impacted Services:

  • Candidates will be unable to sit for OneStream certification exams between January 1-22, 2023.

NON-Impacted Services:

  • Access to CertMetrics.

Beginning January 4, 2023, candidates will be able to schedule exams for delivery on or after January 23, 2023.

Please contact with any additional questions.
