Knowledge Base Article

Cube View Groups

The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 127.

See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100"

See KB article: "Cube Views"

See KB article: "Cube View Profile"

Cube View Groups

The following Cube View (CV) Groups & Profiles are included in the Tax Provision Blueprint app.

XFW_Tax Admin CV (TXP) helps the admin set the Origin Year in Schedule 03. You must perform a Force Calculate to populate the origin year for each period. The admin can do a Force Calculate in the last period to do the whole year at once. This would be a yearly process for the Admin.

This Cube View is available in OnePlace under Cube Views.


XFW_Tax Admin Reports (TXP) show the FX exchange rates used as well as the Calc Status of the entities. They are available in OnePlace in the Dashboards section.

XFW_Tax CV’s Admin Workflow Actual (TXP) includes Admin Cube Views that are (1) used to capture date and time stamps when the bulk copy/clear is performed and (2) available at the parent level workflow in the Analysis section.


Note: Sch 08_09 - ETR Consol Review_TXP has columns that are hard coded to the entities in the Tax Provision Blueprint app. You will need to change these hard coded entities to entities in your app. Entities to look for and update in your app are: E#TXP_Legal_CTX, E#TXP_Domestic_Total and E#TXP_Intl_Total.

XFW_Tax CV’s All Workflows Actual (TXP) includes general Cube Views that are available at the parent level workflow in the Analysis section.


XFW_ Tax CV’s All Workflows FCST (TXP) includes general Forecast Cube Views that are available at the parent level workflow in the Analysis section.


XFW_Tax Forms Actual (TXP) are used for the Tax Provision Blueprint Schedules, where Tax data is input through a variety of available methods and then calculated. In general, data flows from Schedule 01 (Tax Rates) through to Schedule 18 (Interim Reporting Rate Reconciliation). Each data point is entered only once and flows through to all the required data points. The results may be viewed in Forms and/or Reports.

The Forms are designed so that regardless of the Jurisdiction (National or Local) only one Form is required. This is handled primarily by the use of parameters. Certain rows or columns will appear or suppress based on the jurisdiction. These Local JD rows or columns will appear with Dark Blue text.

Certain rows or columns will appear with Purple text to highlight that they are “Discrete” items.

The Forms require minimal changes when following the recommended metadata setup.

Restricting data cell input in the Forms is primarily controlled either using No Input Business Rules or setting the intercompany dimension to I#Top.

The use of Row Overrides and Column Overrides are used extensively throughout the CV’s.


XFW_Tax Forms FCST (TXP) are used for the Forecast Tax Provision Blueprint Schedules, where Tax data is input through a variety of available methods and then calculated.


XFW_Tax Forms Linked CV Actual (TXP) includes the Linked Cube Views that are used on schedules 02, 05, 06, 06a and 06c.

Navigation Links are used to help ensure a consistent POV.


XFW_Tax Forms Linked CV FCST (TXP) includes the Linked Cube Views that are used on schedules 01cFC, 03FC, 05FC, 06aFC, 06FC and 40cFC.

XFW_ Metadata Hierarchies (TXP) includes Cube Views for reviewing how each Dimension has been set up. It uses many UD8 dynamic members to capture the setup attributes and is displayed through a dashboard.

It is available in OnePlace as a dashboard:

XFW_Tax National Benefit Analysis (TXP) includes Cube Views used for Reports.


XFW_Tax Reports Actual (TXP) includes Cube Views used for Reports.


They can be run as a dashboard in OnePlace through the Dashboards:

The two CV’s (80a… and 80b…) are used for the Tax Provision Blueprint Analysis dashboard.


XFW_Tax Reports Other (TXP) includes Cube Views used for Reports.


XFW_Tax_Reviewer_Monthly_Reports Actual (TXP) includes all the reports for the role “Tax Reviewer – Actual Report”.


The reports are available here:

XFW_Tax_Reviewer_Monthly_Reports FCST (TXP) includes all the reports for the role “Tax Reviewer – Forecast Reports”.


XFW_Templates_Rows Actual (TXP) includes Cube Views for the rows for Schedules 05, 06, 07, 10 & 18.

XFW_Templates_Rows FCST (TXP) includes Cube Views for the Forecast rows for Schedules 05FC & 06FC.



Updated 2 years ago
Version 2.0
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