Contributor II

The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 95.

See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100

See KB article: "Dimension Member Names - Renaming and Deleting"

See KB article: "Dimension Text Fields - Summary"

UD2 Data Type

XFW_TXP_UD2 is the Tax Provision Blueprint UD2 – Data Type Dimension that contains tax data: Gross Tax, Tax Effected, Effective Tax Rate data, and other data type classifications. The original members of this Dimension should not be modified as they are core to the application. However new members may be added as needed.

UD2 Data Type Notes:

  • No Text Properties in use.
  • Aggregation weights are used.
  • No Member Formulas are used.
  • All parent members must have the word Total in the description. This will help in the formatting of Cube Views.
  • When adding a new TXP_TXRecData member, begin the member’s name with TXP_TXRec.
  • When adding a new type of Tax Effected data begin the member’s name with TXP_Tax.

Type of Tax Data: Gross or Tax Effected:

(1) TXP_Gross_Input: Gross or pre-taxed data. This is the starting point of Tax Provision Blueprint data.

(2) Tax Effected data:

  • For each category of Tax Provision Blueprint data (current expense, deferred tax, return there are 3 types of tax rates that may be calculated: National, Apportionment and Local.
  • Statutory (Local) Effective Tax Rate (ETR): TXP_Tax_SETR
  • Consolidated Effective Tax Rate (ETR): TXP_Tax_CETR
  • Interim Reporting Run Rate: TXP_Tax_IETR
  • Applied Interim Reporting ETR: TXP_Tax_AETR
  • If a new category of tax needs to be calculated, follow the existing naming convention. Business Rules and other Object updates will need to be added.

(3) Tax Rate Type allows for the tax rates (Account Dimension base members of TXP_TaxRates) to contain both a statistical (National and Local) rate and an apportionment (Local only) rate when needed. This is also used in conjunction with UD4 to identify a rate as National or Local.


(4) TXP_TxRecData applies to the Tax Account Reconciliation and will be based on the General Ledger accounts of the client. This hierarchy is normally modified to synchronize with finance account level detail for tax balance sheet and expense accounts.  These modifications will require updates to Business Rules (Schedule7TaxAccountReconciliationLocalCurrency & Schedule7TaxAccountReconciliationTranslation) and Tax Forms (07 Tax Account Reconciliation / 07 FC Tax Account Reconciliation & 07b Tax Account Reconciliation / 07b FC Tax Account Reconciliation).

  • The TXP_TxRecData hierarchy is grouped by Total Tax Expense data and Balance Sheet data.
  • This hierarchy works with the Account hierarchy: TXP_TxRAccountRecon – Total Tax Account Recon – Tax Entry.
  • If the Deferred Expense and/or the DTA/DTL data needs to be split into multiple accounts, add a parent member, e.g., TXP_TXRecTotDefExp – Total Deferred Exp. (Inc.).

(5) TXP_OriginYears are used to populate the years on Schedule 3 – Tax Attributes / Schedule 03 FC Tax Attributes: Origin Year and Expiration Year. TXP_CurrentYearLess20 is a catchall member for any data greater than 19 years old. If more years are needed, Business Rules and objects will need to be updated.

(6) TXP_FCST_Data_Copy accounts are used in Dashboards to help in the copy of (Actual) data into a Forecast scenario.




Version history
Last update:
‎02-20-2024 02:25 PM
Updated by: