Knowledge Base Article


The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 273.

See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100"

See KB article: "Report Groups"

See KB article: "Sample Reports - Overview"


This section will show you how to make modifications to the list of Reports that appear in each Report Group section.

This list is controlled by a parameter called “ListOfReports_BR_new_TXP”.

Take note of the Value Items number from the previous section. For the Trend Report, that number is “7”.

In the business rule “TXP_HelperQueries” located in the Dashboard Data Set group, go to the section “GetReportList_new” and then look for where we reference Value Item “7”.

You will notice the name that we gave each report. It can be modified if necessary. You will also notice after the comma (,), the name of the dashboard to display when that report is selected.

Here are the dashboard references:


Updated 12 months ago
Version 3.0
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