Knowledge Base Article

Using a Time Profile With Weeks

The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 453.

See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" 

See KB article: "Time Profiles"

This information is part of the "Instruction Guide" that comes with the Tax Provision Blueprint app as Appendix C.

Using a Time Profile with Weeks

Tax Provision Blueprint has been developed using the Standard Time Profile with “Months” being the lowest level of input. We have done minimal testing having “Weeks” in the time profile. Below are some key findings to be aware of. This is not an exhausted list and will continue to be added too.

When weeks are the base level time period, please make sure that you have set up the Tax Provision Blueprint scenarios with the correct “Input Frequency”.

You will notice that even though you have selected a correct Cube POV, the time selection will allow you to go down to the “weekly” level. This is normal OneStream behavior but could impact how cube views render.

We have created a parameter called “Tax_BaseLevelTimePeriods_TXP”. It is a literal parameter that holds the lowest level time period that is used in Tax Provision Blueprint. This parameter would need to be updated if you are using an input frequency other than months.

Possible time extensions are:

  • Base (represents the base level time periods defined in the time profile)
  • Weeks
  • Months
  • Quarters
  • HalfYears


Here is an example of how this parameter is used in a cube view. This eliminates the need to update several CV’s. Normally, we would use the extension “.Base”, however this will show the weekly time periods, which will result in invalid cells.

Using “.Base” with a weekly time profile (scenario is defined as “Monthly” input):

Using “.Months” or the parameter |! Tax_BaseLevelTimePeriods_TXP!| (scenario is defined as “Monthly” input):

Another area to consider is BR’s syntax. Here is one specific syntax that needed to be updated when weeks was defined in the time profile:


Updated 2 years ago
Version 6.0
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