Knowledge Base Article

Workflow Forms/Schedule Notes

The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 406.

See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" 

Workflow Forms/Schedule Notes

Workflow Forms are the Tax Schedules that are used to follow the flow of the Tax Provision Blueprint data and calculations. Below are notes related to the overall design of the Forms.

Dashboard Toolbar

Most Forms will have the following Dashboard Toolbar displayed or a subset of these POV combo boxes:


The available selection items in the combo boxes in this Dashboard Toolbar may vary depending upon the workflow type and group filing status. For example, when you are working in a workflow that does not have group filing, the Group Filer (GF) parameter will be set to ‘None’. These pre-populated combo boxes reduce the incidence of user error within the system. Please review Troubleshooting the Schedules should any of the schedules not display as expected.

Main POV:

  • Entity (Entity)
  • Jurisdiction (UD1)
  • Group Filer (UD7)

Workflow Type: Entity

  • Entity: Entity or entities assigned to the Workflow
  • Jurisdiction: Available UD1 (Jurisdiction) members may include national and local jurisdictions
  • Group Filer (GF):
    • Group filing status: No -> UD7 member None
    • Group filing status: Yes -> UD7 member(s) may be parent group filer, group filer or filer members

Workflow type: Group Filer (NatGroupFiler or LocalGroupFiler); Group filing status: Yes

  • Entity: The filer entities (either national or local) designated as “Filer” based on the Entity Text 7 property NatFiler=Yes or LocalFiler=Yes.
  • Jurisdiction: UD1 (Jurisdiction) members may include national and / or local jurisdictions and will depend on the group filing definitions.

Group Filer (GF): UD7 member(s) populated based on the entity and jurisdiction and the group filing definition. See UD7 Group Filing for additional information.

  • Parent group filer: aggregation of group filer and filer members
  • Group filer: the same member as the entity filer
  • Filer members: entity members that are included in the tax provision group filing for a specific entity

Secondary POV:

  • Source: Select the Reporting data member (UD3). Source is the main member (for example GAAP). Source – Adjustment allows for adjustments to the Source data (for example, when starting with GAAP (Source)) and adding Adjustments (Source – Adjustments) to get to Total GAAP (Total Source: aggregation of Source + Source – Adjustments).
  • Jurisdiction Type: This is also referred to as the Tax Type (UD4). It is automatically populated with either TXP_National or TXP_Local depending on the Jurisdiction selected (UD1).
  • No Input Periods: Applies to forecast scenarios only. This is the number of periods where the user cannot manually modify the data. In the above example, January (M1) – August (M8) will not allow input. Data for those periods will most likely be populated from the Actual scenario by the administrator. Data in periods September (M9) – December (M12) can be modified by the user.
  • Currency: Either Local or USD may be selected where USD will be view-only data, except for those entities with USD as the currency.
  • Show Curr Code: Either Yes or No. Yes, means the entity currency code will be displayed next to each amount.
  • Data Decimal Places: Select the number of decimals to display, either no decimals or 2 decimals.
  • Percent Decimal Places: Select the number of decimal places to display for percentages, range is 1-9 decimals.

Refresh Data Icon:

Once you have selected all of the POV options, click on the Refresh Data icon to render the schedule.

Schedule Help File:

Click on the question mark icon at the far right of the Dashboard Toolbar to view a PPT file that contains instructions on how to complete the schedule or notes about the schedule.

Form Layout

For most of the schedules, the suppress no data rows has been turned on. Use the Row Suppression icon to adjust the suppressed rows.

Calc Status is displayed in one of the top rows of most Forms. This will help to indicate when data has changed and a Calculate or Force Calculate is required.

Where possible, the column/row descriptions include if the data is coming from or going to another schedule. A green box around the cell indicates “to” data and a blue box around the cell indicates “from” data.

A purple box around the cell indicates combined “from / to” data (primarily in the forecast scenarios).

A gray box around the cell indicates that the data in the schedule should equal another data cell in the same schedule.

Where rows or columns are specific to Local Jurisdictions, and in some cases are specific to the National Jurisdiction, these row or column headers will have a blue text color. They will not appear when the other Jurisdiction (National/Local) is selected. They are suppressed when not necessary.


Rows or columns with purple text indicate a “Discrete” item.


Updated 2 years ago
Version 2.0
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