Quickview data difference

New Contributor II


I encountered an issue where the results retrieved from a quick view setting varied significantly at different times. I want to understand why this occurred and how to prevent it from happening in the future. Can you help?



Contributor II

There are only two reasons the data would be different:

1. The two rows are pulling different POVs (right click and view Cell POV and compare)

2. The data changed in between retrieves

View solution in original post


Contributor II

Hi - my guess would be that your Quick View POV is set to use the Default POV which can change and will differ from user to user. Try explicitly defining each POV member in the QuickView POV settings and see if that resolves your issue.

New Contributor II

Thank you for your response.

I was there, but this case, the different results occurred under the same setting in different times. The numbers and dates are made up to make myself clear on this. Under what circumstances do you possibly have different results and how you can avoid them? (Note: Books and records are locked on Day 5 so no changes to the TB involved after July 5.) Would you help?The numbers are made up for your understanding.The numbers are made up for your understanding.


Contributor II

There are only two reasons the data would be different:

1. The two rows are pulling different POVs (right click and view Cell POV and compare)

2. The data changed in between retrieves

New Contributor II

I agree. I assume that it is the #2 case and I will need to investigate. Thanks your response!

New Contributor II


The Quick view setting was with YTD, but except the year of 2019, the results of the rest  years are MTD. I really want to know under what circumstances, this could happen. Would you be able to help?




Could it happen that metadata has changed between these dates? Some member with data had been removed from on-beneath levels within the hierarchy you refer to in POV?