Absolute Value in a UD8 Formula



I currently have a dynamic formula that pulls the max value, but was asked to use that formula to get the absolute value that is also a negative the highest amount to pull that value as well instead of being 0. 

Here is the current formula I'm using

Dim dAmount_1 As Decimal = api.Data.GetDataCell("T#Pov:U8#None").CellAmount
Dim dAmount_2 As Decimal = api.Data.GetDataCell("T#PovPrior1:U8#None").CellAmount
Dim dAmount_3 As Decimal = api.Data.GetDataCell("T#PovPrior2:U8#None").CellAmount
Dim dAmount_4 As Decimal = api.Data.GetDataCell("T#PovPrior3:U8#None").CellAmount
Dim dAmount_5 As Decimal = api.Data.GetDataCell("T#PovPrior4:U8#None").CellAmount
Dim dAmount_6 As Decimal = api.Data.GetDataCell("T#PovPrior5:U8#None").CellAmount
Dim dAmount_7 As Decimal = api.Data.GetDataCell("T#PovPrior6:U8#None").CellAmount
Dim dAmount_8 As Decimal = api.Data.GetDataCell("T#PovPrior7:U8#None").CellAmount
Dim dAmount_9 As Decimal = api.Data.GetDataCell("T#PovPrior8:U8#None").CellAmount
Dim dAmount_10 As Decimal = api.Data.GetDataCell("T#PovPrior9:U8#None").CellAmount
Dim dAmount_11 As Decimal = api.Data.GetDataCell("T#PovPrior10:U8#None").CellAmount
Dim dAmount_12 As Decimal = api.Data.GetDataCell("T#PovPrior11:U8#None").CellAmount
Dim dAmount_13 As Decimal = api.Data.GetDataCell("T#PovPrior12:U8#None").CellAmount

Dim myArray As Decimal() = New Decimal(){dAmount_1, dAmount_2, dAmount_3, dAmount_4, dAmount_5, dAmount_6, dAmount_7, dAmount_8, dAmount_9, dAmount_10, dAmount_11, dAmount_12, dAmount_13}

Return myArray.Max()

Thanks for the help!
