Addding Scroll bar to Dialog window

New Contributor


I am trying to add scroll bars to a dialog box that has 6 components.  

Tried changing the layout to Horizonal and vertical stack with other settings.  This did not work and also asked the one stream experts . my team and appears there is no sure way of accomplishing this.  Is this possible in OneStream ?  


Thank you,




@sbuggle - try using Grid instead of Vertical or Horizontal stack.





I have tried that did not work. Let me layout the design for the pop up . 

The first component initially was uniform.

A0- Uniform  - Contains an embedded component A2 that is a grid. 

A2- Grid 6 rows 1 column each row and column are sized. The 6  embedded individual components  are all grids with * row and column width.

I changed the A0 to grid with 1 row and 1 column did not work. This is a dialog window which is set to 1400 by 820.  

Can you have scroll bars on a dialog window with all of these embedded components?  




here is an image of the pop up




My suggestion would be to go Grid and embed grid to grid.  Uniform typically doesn't create the scrollbars unless it is more for background home page types.

Horizontal and Vertical stacks are useful for limited dimensions like headers for menu items otherwise, it will literally just stack the components adjacent one another.





I did change the A0 to be grid 1 row and 1 column did not work. 

Right - that is because each Grid Component will have its own scroll bars.   For the Dialogue Box to have a scroll bar, you would need that as a grid within grid (nested).  Hope that makes sense.




Yes that makes sense and the A0 is now a grid with 1 and 1 that contains the one embedded component A2 that is a grid with 6 components. Does not work.

The main dashboard A0 is set to grid with 1 row and 1 column  with * for the width and height. Are any other settings needed? 

Since you are dealing with multiple elements in your pop-up dialogue, it is difficult to further guide you without going into the details.  Attached is an example of a multi-component dashboard where there is a scrollbar for the textbox component when contents exceed its set dimensions -- if this is the outcome you are looking for, happy to look at it together with you to try and pinpoint.



Feel free to DM me.





I need to have the vertical and horizontal scroll bars .  The bottom half has a dashboard with the three components.  Add the scrollbar to that section of the page, adding to the whole window is not possible?  

Hey if we do a Teams this will be audio only correct?  

Hey , I did not see your last response here only in my email.  I cannot do a video , won't be able to due to security not showing data.  I am still getting the xml files the components only is all you need?  

Ah -- ok.  If you export the dashboard in xml, lemme take a look to see if I can triangulate your settings and advise.

So for clarity, you are looking for the text box component to have horizontal and vertical scrollbars?




No not the textbox the whole dialog window needs a vertical scroll bar think I stated this before due to the customers laptop window being so small they can't see the bottom at the bottom , copy billet. 


Did you want me to send the xml I have for the dashboard?  

Hey Sharon,

Yep - that can help be more specific.



Hey Alex,

Did you want me to send zip file , there are many components?  I don't see an attachment option.  Thanks Sharon 

You can send zip to my email if the attachment does not permit.  Extract Dashboard Maintenance Group should automatically place all components in one XML file.
Zip is only if you have other components like Data Management Sequence or CubeViews.

Hi Sharon,

Thx for sending over the zip - was easier to review your settings.  Apologies if the screenshot does not look exactly like yours since components were missing and I had to re-calibrate the layout.

That said, you should be able to achieve what you are looking for by changing a few settings:

  1. On the 1 x 1 grid overlay - update Row 1 Height to 610 and Column 1 Height to 1000
  2. On the 1 X 1 grid overlay - update Display Format - update DialogWidth and DialogHeight to Auto
  3. On the Dashboard_Content_CopyBillet - consider changing to Vertical Stack so it auto adjusts

Results of changes:


Screenshot of settings to change:


See if that does the trick?



Hi Alex,  I made the 1 and 2 changes no scrollbars showing.  Which component needs to be changed to vertical? 



#3 the dashboard component with the 6 rows - change to vertical stack.

Also, since you are on version 7.2.4, this can contribute to a different outcome since I replicated this in 7.4.2.



Ok will try that and let team know about the version.  Thank you Alex will let you know.

You are most welcome.  Best of luck with it.

