Forum Discussion

cpaulick's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

Advanced Charts - Line chart showing several years by month


Hi everyone,

Has anyone used the Dashboards for advanced line charts to show a few years of actuals and the current year of budget? I am trying to show actuals for 2019, 2020, and 2021 and 2021 budget by month and cannot figure out how to get this to come through. I set up a cube view with my account in the POV and the Time in the column and a combination of scenario and time in the rows since i don’t want to see budgets for every one of these years.


  • Cindy

    This may be suitable to your question. Advanced Chart Type is XY2D. Cube view has UD8 members on the row and Time by month on the column. The UD8 members are essentially: Actual Current Year, Actual Prior Year, Budget Current Year etc. The dynamic calc for each member leverages T#POV to return the appropriate fiscal year.


  • TerryLedet's avatar
    New Contributor III


    This may be suitable to your question. Advanced Chart Type is XY2D. Cube view has UD8 members on the row and Time by month on the column. The UD8 members are essentially: Actual Current Year, Actual Prior Year, Budget Current Year etc. The dynamic calc for each member leverages T#POV to return the appropriate fiscal year.


    • cpaulick's avatar
      New Contributor

      Thanks Terry - what a brilliant way to solve this issue.

      • Sai_Maganti's avatar
        Contributor II

        Nice solution TerryLedet . Alternatively the same can be achieved using BI Viewer component.

        • The cube view will have Scenario and Time on the columns and Account dim on the rows (really doesn't matter columns or rows as long as all 3 dims are in the cube view).
        • The data adapter => data source => Command type will be "Cube view MD"
        • The BI Viewer component will have Amount on Values Pane, Time on Arguments pane and Scenario on Series. The Account dim will become a List box filter and selection from POV not required (see pic attached)

        I personally found the BI Viewer to be easier and more flexible than "Chart components" but it has its own drawbacks

  • Montreux's avatar
    New Contributor III

    I am using the Chart Advanced component to import into an Extended Document and want Actuals and Budget lines as well, separated.  My question, how do you get your 2 lines for Actual and Budget not to dive to 0 when outside of their time range?  Is this something you do in the UD8 dynamic calc?  If so can you share the rule to get it not to show 0s.  If the setting is in the Chart, can you share that as well?  Thanks.  Your suggestion is a good one here.