Changing the Cube Root Workflow Profile via button

New Contributor III

Hi all,

I am designing a dashboard home page whereby users can navigate directly to the different Workflows for Statutory reporting and Management Reporting, via a button.

I am utilising the Change Workflow action in the button settings to set the scenario, however I have an issue as it is not picking up the correct Cube Root Workflow Profile.

As you can see in the screenshot below, Act_Stat and Act_Mgmt both sit under MGMT_ACT Cube Root WF Profile (and they both sit under STAT_ACT as well). So when my workflow is set to MGMT_ACT, and I run the button, it doesn’t open the scenario in the correct CRWP. I had a go at adding CubeRoot to the button POV Action, but it didn’t do anything.

Does anyone have any idea how I can change the Cube Root Workflow Profile by using this button below, if at all possible?

The less pop-up menus and clicks the better for the accountants!








CubeRoot is not an option for that action. The options available are listed in the interface if you click the ellipsis (...) button in that property: WFProfile=[MyProfile], WFScenario=[MyScenario], WFTime=[MyTime]

Make sure you specify all of them. If you don't want to change some of them, use substitution variables, e.g. the following only changes the Scenario: WFProfile=[|WFProfile|], WFScenario=[SomeNewScenario], WFTime=[|WFTime|]