Forum Discussion

aargue's avatar
New Contributor II
8 months ago

Cube View Row Name Time Description in mmmm yy Format

I have a column where I'm using a GetDataCell formula and I want my Time Row Header to show a date different than that of the Pov. 

I've had a solution that uses a Business Rule but wanted to see if an out-of-the-box solution is available. 

  • aargue's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Additional Context: the |CVTimePrior1| and other references do provide the period but do not have the appropriate format 

  • sameburn's avatar
    Contributor II

    Hi aargue based on your description you can achieve this with another substitution variable e.g. T#|CVTimePrior1|:Name(|MFTimeDesc|).  This will return the description from your time profile as the column alias


    Hope this helps



    • aargue's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Hi Sameburn, 

      Unfortunately that doesn't work because I'm looking to reference the prior period used in the GetDataCell Formula. I've found a solution using a custom business rule but was hoping to find something easier. 

      • FredLucas's avatar
        Contributor III

        Hi aargue,

        Not sure I fully understand your use case, if you could share you current solution I'd be happy to give you my view on it.