03-21-2024 04:39 AM
Hi everybody,
I'm currently developing a dynamic CV that gives the chance to the user to select an account hierarchy of choice to show in the report (P&L, BS etc.) through the parameter MainFormParentAcc_PL
I'm having issues with indentation tho, because if I add .TreeDescendants the accounts are still shown on the same level in the report.
I tried to look if there is a format I can apply, but if I understand correctly the only format available for indentation is for the excel view (ExcelIndentLevel = xxx).
Do you have any suggestion on how I could solve this?
Thanks in advance!
03-21-2024 10:54 AM
Do you have to have the Where? If not, .Tree is the easiest, but it doesn't love being paired with a Where.
If you need the Where, one thing you may consider is using code to build your hierarchy. This will give you full control. This isn't exactly related, but I found this a few years ago, and it is handy https://community.onestreamsoftware.com/t5/Implementation-Q-A-Archive/Question-Can-I-create-a-dashbo.... This post shows how to build the hierarchy.
Hope this helps!
03-21-2024 12:08 PM
Good idea, but there is a better approach: https://community.onestreamsoftware.com/t5/ONECommunity-Blog/Plant-a-Tree-in-your-Member-List/ba-p/2...
03-21-2024 12:18 PM
Thanks, I'll look into that!