Cube view column headers

New Contributor III

When I develop cube views, is it possible to have the description in the header for the data in the rows, for instance first column might be Account, second column Customer.  When I extract the cube view the header for these is blank and I have to manually insert a description to the dimension is relating.  Same issue occurs with quickviews.


Any solutions


Contributor III

General Setings > Header Text > choose appropriate setting here

1. Name

2. Description

3. Name and Description

This setting would drive the display of headers in your cube view.

Hope this helps.



Nidhi Mangtani

Similar setting is available in quick views as well. 

Nidhi Mangtani

New Contributor II

Have you tried using the different levels in the member filter builders? These allow you to use different dimensions. 



New Contributor II

Alternatively I sometimes use a separate column with the V#Annotation and then a unique metadata member which then returns the appropriate dimension/member property that you want:

If api.View.IsAnnotationType() Then

    Return api.pov.UD1.Name


    Return api.Data.CreateDataCellObject(0.0,True, False)

End If

(That's the code your dynamiccalc will need)

New Contributor II

You can also add the row at the first position: Advance > Rows Tab:

1)  Row Members:  Member Expansion 1:  Primary Dimension Type Account:  A#None:Name(Account)

2) Row Members:  Member Expansion 2:  Nested Member Expansion 2:  U1#None:Name(Customer).



That's the only way I can think of. I think this was answered on a different yet similar post here.


Did you ever get an answer for this?  I think the replies didn't really address it.  I'm trying to do the same thing and have a row description on the same line as the column headers.  Like I need it to be like a generic "Departments" on the same line as the column headers, and then of course the specific departments like "700 - Selling, 800-General Admin" are already going correcting down the rows.

New Contributor III

No not really.