Cube view total row

New Contributor III

Am i just missing something or is there not a simple way to produce a total row in a cube view? I have one row that pulls a list of accounts based on a combo box selection. When I try to use GetDataCell(CVR(Row1) it only brings me the total for the first line in that 'row'. I feel like there should be an out of the box option to grab the total of row 1 that may have multiple accounts. 


New Contributor III


I wanted to link you to a solution I found which helped me with this issue and give credit here. I used it for summing Accounts in my rows from a given parameter, but still the same concept:

Question: Is there a way to report the total of a group of members based on a text attribute with mu...


Here are my updated screenshots using the above post as guidance. First is slightly updated code and next is using the XFBR function in a Row, passing a parameter through the "MemberFilter" argument:




Here it is functioning correctly in a Cube View with different account hierarchies selected through my parameter with the incorrect Cube View math below it.



This XFBR can definitely be modified many ways to fit different requirements

I think this works for most cases but for my case I have a parameter that it runs through for accounts based on a drop down list and if All accounts is selected then this errors out. I don't think there is a way to use suppression via an XFBR and this just runs through every account even if its suppressed on the CV 


RE:  is there not a simple way to produce a total row in a cube view?

@mvalerio24 ditto.  I'd like to see this as well.  My use case is for entities in the row and I'd like to display the sum of all of the entities displayed on row1 (which is AllEntities.Base).  I do not want to have to Consolidate the data first.