Forum Discussion

Rianne's avatar
New Contributor II
2 years ago

CubeView Member Expansion based on 'AllowInput=True'

Hi Team,

I am trying to create an Input CubeView with an expansion based on whether the 'Allow Input' setting is set to True for our UD5 Dimension Members. 

To give a little bit of background, we are using the UD5 dimension for our Customer Codes. The setup is based on the different regions (which have their own cube) and the basis of the structure is captured under 'Customers'. The regions can have the flexibility to add more detail by adding members under this basis structure in their dimension:

We have an Input CubeView that is currently set to .Base (from the dimension that belongs to the Cube we are inputting for). However, a member might be a Base member in one dimensions (however, we don't want and cannot input here), but a parent member in the other. That is why I am trying to create an expansion based on the Allow Input setting. However, when I try "Member.Base.Where(AllowInput=True) it is unfortunately not working. 

Does anyone have any idea how we can solve this (or maybe if we can suppress these members)?

Thank you in advance!



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