Date Format Change in Report Footer via Cube View Extender + Display Username in Report Footer

New Contributor II

Does anyone know the BR to change the date format of the Cube view Report footer from ("MM/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss tt") to ("dd/MM/yyyy h:mm:ss tt") via Business Rule Cube view extender?

Is there also a rule to show the Username on the Report footer? Would be ideal to show it in the center of the report footer.





Contributor III

For the user name, you can use the sub var |UserName| in the report footer like this:


This will come out on the PDF report.  

For the date format still researching.

Teresa C. Kress
Principal Delivery Manager Partner Enablement | OneStream Software

View solution in original post


Contributor III

For the user name, you can use the sub var |UserName| in the report footer like this:


This will come out on the PDF report.  

For the date format still researching.

Teresa C. Kress
Principal Delivery Manager Partner Enablement | OneStream Software

There is an enhancement request to have this date footer on reports work off the user's culture code.  It is in Idea Stream here:  (2) JIRA Ticket: PF-4353 (

But if you search in One Community you can find an example here:  How to get Date, Time and Time Zone in Report Footer using Cube View Extender Rule. - OneStream Comm...

Teresa C. Kress
Principal Delivery Manager Partner Enablement | OneStream Software

New Contributor II

The second solution didn't work in the Cube view Extender Rule.

I need the complete Business Rules, which is used within the CV Extender Inline Formula and starts with:

Select Case args.FunctionType

Case Is = CVExtenderFunctionType.FormatReportUIItem

Dim uiItem As CVExtenderReportUIItem = args.Report.CurrentUIItem

If uiItem.UIItemType = XFReportUIItemType.PageFooterDate Then....
