Dynamic colors in BI Viewer

New Contributor III

Hi, I am building a BI Viewer chart and need my colors to be dynamic. I have three colors in my color palette for the BI Viewer component.

I can manually set the color to match the option in the palette, but if I use the parameter changes my scenario or time, the palette color is reset and it selects a random color. If I use the automatic setting (which would make the most sense) it sets every color to black. 

My ideal color settings are:

First year actual: Blue

Second/last year actual: Pink

Second year plan: Green

How can I set this up dynamically?


New Contributor III

To add more context, if I change my scenario and time to the previous year, this is what one of my components appears like. The dynamic change applies the same color and I don't believe it's possible to apply a rule on how a color scheme is applied to a dimension combination.