Forum Discussion

aformenti's avatar
Contributor II
7 months ago

How to Dynamically Report on Extended Members from the Top Consolidation Cube?

Depending on the circumstances, you could find yourself into a situation where you need to report numbers on Extended dimension Members from the Top Consolidation Cube. In a Vertical Extensibility Cube set up this gets tricky since the data is only available at the lower cube levels.

To work-around this challenge (considering the limitations exposed below), I have created a dynamic calculation Business Rule that allows you to achieve that by leveraging a specific UD8 Dynamic calculation Member.   

Following it is an overview of the Solution:

 Problem Statement:

  • When using Cube Vertical Extensibility, reporting from Tot Group cube is not possible for those dimensions that have been extended.

In the example, UD1 is only available at Summary Level for  Tot Group:

Solution Overview:

  • UD8 Dynamic Calculation to derive the Extended members from the Base Entities consolidating to the Parent Entity Level (E#Tot Group). Data is dynamically retrieved from the base entities and translated on the fly based on the Parent/Child Entity relationships:

  • Works with any extended Account Type Dimension (A#, F#, U1#-U7#) without having to modify the Business Rule.
  • Dynamic Calculation driven from the UD8 Text1 field:


  • Solution aggregates and translates on the fly the base data without:
    • Eliminations
    • % of Consolidation (It could potentially be incorporated into the solution)
  • Suitable for reporting/analysis being done at O#BeforeElim.
  • When used in large Cube View/Quick Views queries could create slow retrieval performance.

Technical Set Up:

  • Create the UD8 Member and Define the Text 1 property referencing the Dimension Tag you’d like to report on (Ie: DimTag=[U1#]).
  • Add the following Member Formula within the UD8 Member:
Dim referenceBR As New OneStream.BusinessRule.Finance.XF_DynamicExtensibilityReporting.MainClass
'Return referenceBR.DynamicProductReporting(si, globals, api) 
Dim Value As Decimal = referenceBR.DynamicExtensibilityReporting(si, globals, api) 
If Not Value.Equals(0)
	Return Value
	Return Nothing
End If
  • Create a new Finance Business Rule, make sure that the Business Rule is set to Global:


  • aformenti's avatar
    Contributor II

    Here is the main Finance Business Rule for the Dynamic Calc which is referenced from the Member Formula:

    Imports System
    Imports System.Collections.Generic
    Imports System.Data
    Imports System.Data.Common
    Imports System.Globalization
    Imports System.IO
    Imports System.Linq
    Imports System.Windows.Forms
    Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
    Imports OneStream.Finance.Database
    Imports OneStream.Finance.Engine
    Imports OneStream.Shared.Common
    Imports OneStream.Shared.Database
    Imports OneStream.Shared.Engine
    Imports OneStream.Shared.Wcf
    Imports OneStream.Stage.Database
    Imports OneStream.Stage.Engine
    Imports System.Diagnostics
    Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
    Imports System.Threading
    Imports System.Threading.Tasks
    Imports System.Collections.Concurrent
    Namespace OneStream.BusinessRule.Finance.XF_DynamicExtensibilityReporting
    	Public Class MainClass
    		#Region "Not in use"
    		Public Function Main(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As FinanceRulesApi, ByVal args As FinanceRulesArgs) As Object
    				Return Nothing
    			Catch ex As Exception
    				Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
    			End Try
    		End Function
    		#End Region 
    		Public Function DynamicExtensibilityReporting (ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As FinanceRulesApi) As Decimal
    				If api.Entity.HasChildren AndAlso api.Pov.Cube.CubeReferences.Values.Count > 0 'Dynamic calc is run at Parent Entity Level for the TOP Consolidation Cube
    					Dim ParentEntity As String = api.Pov.Entity.Name
    					Dim PovTime As String = api.Pov.Time.Name
    					'Retrieve Current UD8 Text Properties:
    					Dim U8Text1 As String = api.UD8.Text(api.Pov.UD8.MemberId,1,api.Pov.ScenarioTypeId,api.Pov.Time.MemberId)
    					Dim DimTag As String = ""
    					Dim FixedSourcePOV As String = ""
    					If U8Text1.StartsWith("DimTag=",stringcomparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) Then 
    						DimTag = StringHelper.SplitString(U8Text1,"=")(1)
    						DimTag = StringHelper.RemoveEnclosingSquareBrackets(DimTag)
    					End If
    					Dim DynamicPOV As New Dictionary (Of String, String) From {{"A#",$"{api.pov.Account.Name}"}, {"F#",$"{api.pov.Flow.Name}"}, {"O#",$"{api.pov.Origin.Name}"}, {"I#",$"{api.pov.IC.Name}"}, {"U1#",$"{api.pov.UD1.Name}"}, {"U2#",$"{api.pov.UD2.Name}"}, {"U3#",$"{api.pov.UD3.Name}"}, {"U4#",$"{api.pov.UD4.Name}"}, {"U5#",$"{api.pov.UD5.Name}"}, {"U6#",$"{api.pov.UD6.Name}"}, {"U7#",$"{api.pov.UD7.Name}"}, {"U8#","None"}}
    					'Gets the Source Data Buffer POV
    					Dim DimSourcePov As String = Me.GetSourceDataBufferPOV(si,globals,api,DimTag,DynamicPOV) 
    					'Creates data buffer where we store the Aggregated data for all base Entities from the given Parent Entity:
    					Dim AggEntityData As New DataBUffer()
    					'Data is pulled from all base Entities by Extended Dim as defined in U8 Text1 (DimTag=<>)
    					If Globals.GetObject($"{ParentEntity}{PovTime}{DimSourcePov}") Is Nothing
    						Dim BaseEntityList As List(Of Member) = api.Members.GetBaseMembers(api.Pov.EntityDim.DimPk,api.Pov.Entity.MemberId)
    						AggEntityData = Me.AggregateEntityDataBuffer(si,api,BaseEntityList,DimSourcePov)
    						AggEntityData = globals.GetObject($"{ParentEntity}{PovTime}{DimSourcePov}")
    					End If
    					'Defines Target CellPK to pull from the Aggregated Data Buffer - Pull cell by Extended Dim Member:
    					Dim GetTargetCellPK As DataBufferCellPk = Me.GetTargetDataBufferCellPk(si,globals,api,DimTag)
    					If Not AggEntityData.GetCell(si,GetTargetCellPK) Is Nothing	'If Target Cell Exists within AggDataBuffer we pick it and return the Cell Amount:					
    						Return AggEntityData.GetCell(si,GetTargetCellPK).CellAmount
    					Else 'If Cell Does not exist within the Data Buffer, aggregate values through Extended Dim:
    						Dim DoesBufferExist As Boolean = False
    						If Not DoesBufferExist Then 
    						End If 	
    						Dim FilteredAggEntityData As DataBuffer = api.Data.GetDataBufferUsingFormula($"FilterMembers(${ParentEntity}{PovTime}AggEntityData, [{DimTag}{DynamicPOV(DimTag)}.base])") 'ie: DataBufferFilter = []
    						Dim TotalCellAmount As Decimal = Decimal.Zero
    						TotalCellAmount += Aggregate DriverCell In FilteredAggEntityData.DataBufferCells.Values Into Sum(DriverCell.CellAmount)
    						Return TotalCellAmount
    					End If	
    				Else 'If its base Entity, return base product cell: 
    					Return api.Data.GetDataCell("U8#None").CellAmount	
    				End If
    				Return Nothing
    			Catch ex As Exception
    				Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
    			End Try
    		End Function
    		Public Function AggregateEntityDataBuffer(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal api As FinanceRulesApi, ByVal DataUnitList As List(Of Member), ByVal SourceFormulaString As String, ByVal Optional DataBufferFilters As String = "" ) As DataBUffer
    		'  Aggregates All Data Units (Entities) based in a DataUnitList and provided Filters
    		'  Version		Date		Author							Comment
    		'  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    		'  V1.0			25-04-2024	A.Formenti 						Initial Version
    		'  Changes:
    				Dim ResultBuffer As New DataBuffer()
    				Dim TargetCurrency As Currency = api.Entity.GetLocalCurrency(api.Pov.Entity.MemberId)
    				For Each CalcEntity As Member In DataUnitList
    					'Get the FX Rate based on the Entity and Account POV:
    					Dim SourceCurrency As Currency = api.Entity.GetLocalCurrency(CalcEntity.MemberId)
    					Dim rateFx As Decimal = 1
    					Dim rateType As New FxRateType
    					Dim ruleType As New FxRuleType
    					If sourceCurrency.Id <> targetCurrency.Id Then
    						Dim accountType As String = api.Account.GetAccountType(api.Pov.Account.MemberId).Name
    						If accountType.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("Asset") OrElse accountType.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("Liability")
    							rateType = api.FxRates.GetFxRateTypeForAssetLiability(DimConstants.DefaultPOV, DimConstants.DefaultPOV)
    							ruleType = api.FxRates.GetFxRuleTypeForAssetLiability(DimConstants.DefaultPOV, DimConstants.DefaultPOV)
    						Else If accountType.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("Revenue") OrElse accountType.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("Expense")
    							rateType = api.FxRates.GetFxRateTypeForRevenueExp(DimConstants.DefaultPOV, DimConstants.DefaultPOV)
    							ruleType = api.FxRates.GetFxRuleTypeForRevenueExp(DimConstants.DefaultPOV, DimConstants.DefaultPOV)
    						End If 
    						rateFx = api.FxRates.GetCalculatedFxRate(rateType, DimConstants.DefaultPOV, DimConstants.DefaultPOV, sourceCurrency.Id, targetCurrency.Id)	
    					End If
    					Dim SourceDataBuffer As New DataBuffer
    					Dim AggDataBuffer As New DataBuffer
    					 If api.Pov.View.Name.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("YTD") AndAlso ruleType.Name.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("Periodic") 'If View is YTD and Rule Type Periodic - Apply Periodic Translation
    						If sourceCurrency.Id <> targetCurrency.Id Then 'If needs translation, translate on the fly with Periodic Method:
    							Dim TimeList As List (Of MemberInfo) = api.Members.GetMembersUsingFilter(api.Pov.TimeDim.DimPk, $"T#{}.AllPriorInYearInclusive")
    							For Each sTime As MemberInfo In TimeList
    								rateFx = api.FxRates.GetCalculatedFxRate(rateType, DimConstants.DefaultPOV, sTime.Member.MemberId, sourceCurrency.Id, targetCurrency.Id)
    								Dim SourceDataBufferByTime As DataBuffer = api.Data.GetDataBufferUsingFormula($"FilterMembers(RemoveZeros(V#Periodic:T#{sTime.Member.Name}:E#{CalcEntity.Name}:P#[{}]:C#Local:{SourceFormulaString}) * $FXRate, {DataBufferFilters})",,True)	
    								'Converts Data Buffer to get Aggregated Extended Members:
    								Dim AggDataBufferByTime As DataBuffer = api.Data.ConvertDataBufferExtendedMembers(,CalcEntity.Name,api.Pov.Scenario.Name,SourceDataBufferByTime)
    								'Accumulates both Base and Extended Members Data Buffers
    								For Each AggCell As DataBufferCell In AggDataBufferByTime.DataBufferCells.Values
    									 If Not SourceDataBufferByTime.DataBufferCells.ContainsKey(AggCell.DataBufferCellPk)
    									 End If 
    								 Next AggCell
    								'Loop through the Buffer and accumulates data by Time:
    								For Each sCell As DataBufferCell In SourceDataBufferByTime.DataBufferCells.Values
    								Next sCell
    							Next sTime
    						End If 
    					Else 'If View Is Periodic or Direct Translation:
    						 SourceDataBuffer = api.Data.GetDataBufferUsingFormula($"FilterMembers(RemoveZeros(E#{CalcEntity.Name}:P#[{}]:C#Local:{SourceFormulaString}) * $FXRate, {DataBufferFilters})",,True)					
    						 'Converts Data Buffer to get Aggregated Extended Members:
    						 AggDataBuffer = api.Data.ConvertDataBufferExtendedMembers(,CalcEntity.Name,api.Pov.Scenario.Name,SourceDataBuffer)	
    						 'Accumulates both Base and Extended Members Data Buffers
    						 For Each AggCell As DataBufferCell In AggDataBuffer.DataBufferCells.Values
    							 If Not SourceDataBuffer.DataBufferCells.ContainsKey(AggCell.DataBufferCellPk)
    							 End If 
    						 Next AggCell 
    					End If 	
    					'Loop through the Buffer and accumulates data by Entity:
    					For Each sCell As DataBufferCell In SourceDataBuffer.DataBufferCells.Values
    					Next sCell	
    				Next CalcEntity
    				Return ResultBuffer
    			Catch ex As Exception
    				Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
    			End Try
    		End Function
    		Private Function GetSourceDataBufferPOV(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As FinanceRulesApi, ByVal DimTag As String, ByVal DynamicPOV As Dictionary (Of String, String)) As String  
    				'  Gets the Source Data Buffer POV
    				'  Version		Date		Author							Comment
    				'  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    				'  V1.0			05-04-2024	A.Formenti 						Initial Version
    				'  Changes:
    				Dim DimSourcePov As String = ""
    				'Builds Up the Source POV:
    				Dim sPovBuilder As New System.Text.StringBuilder
    				For Each sDimTag As String In DynamicPOV.keys
    					If  Not sDimTag.StartsWith(DimTag, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) Then 'Add all Dynamic Dims POV except for Extended Dim
    					End If 	
    				Next sDimTag
    				'Source POV:
    				DimSourcePov = sPovBuilder.Remove(0,1).ToString
    				Return DimSourcePov
    				Catch ex As Exception
    			Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
    		End Try
    	End Function 
    		Private Function GetTargetDataBufferCellPk(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As FinanceRulesApi, ByVal DimTag As String) As DataBufferCellPk  
    				'  Gets the Target DataBufferCellPK
    				'  Version		Date		Author							Comment
    				'  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    				'  V1.0			05-04-2024	A.Formenti 						Initial Version
    				'  Changes:
    				Dim TargetBufferCellPk As New DataBufferCellPk
    				'By Default all members pulled from XFCommon:
    				'Extended dim to be pulled from the api.pov:
    				If DimTag.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("A#") Then 
    					TargetBufferCellPk.AccountId = api.Pov.Account.MemberId
    				Else If DimTag.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("F#") Then
    					TargetBufferCellPk.AccountId = api.Pov.Flow.MemberId
    				Else If DimTag.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("O#") Then
    					TargetBufferCellPk.AccountId = api.Pov.Origin.MemberId
    				Else If DimTag.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("I#") Then
    					TargetBufferCellPk.AccountId = api.Pov.IC.MemberId
    				Else If DimTag.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("U1#") Then
    					TargetBufferCellPk.AccountId = api.Pov.UD1.MemberId
    				Else If DimTag.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("U2#") Then
    					TargetBufferCellPk.AccountId = api.Pov.UD2.MemberId
    				Else If DimTag.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("U3#") Then
    					TargetBufferCellPk.AccountId = api.Pov.UD3.MemberId
    				Else If DimTag.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("U4#") Then
    					TargetBufferCellPk.AccountId = api.Pov.UD4.MemberId
    				Else If DimTag.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("U5#") Then
    					TargetBufferCellPk.AccountId = api.Pov.UD5.MemberId
    				Else If DimTag.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("U6#") Then
    					TargetBufferCellPk.AccountId = api.Pov.UD6.MemberId
    				Else If DimTag.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("U7#") Then
    					TargetBufferCellPk.AccountId = api.Pov.UD7.MemberId
    				End If 
    				Return TargetBufferCellPk
    				Catch ex As Exception
    			Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
    		End Try
    	End Function 
    	End Class
    End Namespace