How to have two time dimensions in a cube view

New Contributor II

Hi all -

This is probably pretty basic, but I keep getting stumped.

Ultimately I have two monthly metrics I want to look at for each month for current year and prior year. I can get the current year rows set and working, but for some reason for the prior year rows, it shows me the full year data instead of the periodic, even when the cell POV shows "periodic" it fails to grab the month with the year.

set up like this:



The months are tied to the columns and the year is tied to the row. Any idea why my PY rows cannot recognize the month while the current year can?


Contributor III

Hi Jacob, As you've pointed out, year is in the rows and months in the columns but those are one dimension in OS. You could probably accomplish what you're trying to do by keeping only the metric in the rows and using column overrides in your last two rows for the time dimension.


Valued Contributor

Hi @JacobH , 

Can you provide the time filters you're using for CY and PY?