Forum Discussion

Joris's avatar
New Contributor II
6 months ago

Insert Suppressed Member when there is no data yet

Hi all,

We built Cube Views with suppressed members to improve Cube View performance, as there would be too many rows visible in the Cube View without suppression. 

We use the "Allow Insert Suppressed Member" to insert suppressed members. In our case, intercompany data should be able to be added here. Our row suppression settings are as sown below:

When an entity does not contain any data yet (a newly acquired entity), it is impossible to add a suppressed member, as all rows are suppressed.

Is there a way to tackle this, so we are able to still suppress rows, but with the possibility to add suppressed rows, even when there is no data yet?

Kind regards,

Joris Klein Hulse

  • Henning's avatar
    Valued Contributor II

    Hi Joris,

    I hope I understand your question correctly. The way this is set up is that you use a parent member e.g. in the IC dimension. You use something like I#ICEntities.ChildrenInclusive in your rows. And then you use your above settings with the only difference being that you set UseSuppressionSettingsOnParentRows to False. That way ICEntities will always be visible and can be used to add suppressed members as needed.

  • Joris's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Hi Henning,

    Thank you for your answer, I think you do understand the question correctly.

    We tried your suggestion and indeed, that would work for the IC Members only. The problem is then our UD2 and UD4 wouldn't be suppressed and too many rows would appear. 

    This is our UD2 set up: 

    Our rows set up:



    • Henning's avatar
      Valued Contributor II

      How about you create an alternate hierarchy just for that purpose in UD2 and UD4?

      E.g. something like UD2TopTech and then you can just use that member with .ChildrenInclusive in your cube view. That way there would be zero sub-parents unnecessarily popping up in your rows.