Narrative Reporting - Insert Content (using Artifacts option)

New Contributor II


I'm currently reviewing the functionality of the Narrative Reporting and need some guidance with it.

Per the option to insert content within a document, I have managed to get a Cube View to be active within the doc but cannot get a report component to generate?  I also managed to get the XFCell reference to work.

The following is what I have used for a CV generation, which works fine:


However, the actual syntax provided does not match what actually needs to be applied for it to work in the doc (i.e. see below provided syntax):


Is there a list of what full syntax should be used for each of the categories listed in the Insert Content option?

I've tried to use the same as the CV generation for a Report Component but that doesn't appear to work (as follows):

{DOCVARIABLE "{XF}{Application}{Report}{rpt_FSR_BS_8_8_1}" "" ""}


Any help with this would be much appreciated?





I am in the same boat, hope someone knows.

New Contributor II

Am having the same issue.

Have to say it seems ridiculously over-complicated at first glance. Was expecting an option where you could just select your cube view from the usual list - not have to enter some code and then try to work out why its not working.

New Contributor

Hello, how were you able to add the "Artifact" option? - I can only see Activity and Versions.

New Contributor III

Example: to display Report syntax



Hello, this syntax is not working on my side. Not sure if any one else is also experiencing this issue.




this is the syntax for cubeview reports



Nothing is pulling on my side. 



you need to save and Refresh Document Data or CheckIn and preview, after save when click on Refresh under Artifacts you should be able to see the cubeview name under the file name.

Yah I have been doing that, but it's not retrieving cube view. 


New Contributor III

Fyi, users on Platform version 8.2.0 and above will benefits from Text Editor.  so, if your version is below 8.2.0 not all function will be working. 

I am on version 8.2.2 so it should be working but it is not for me. 


Hi, documentation is really weird, narrative reporting works just as extensible document. Create it, create the line in narrative reporting and then upload the document (even if the icon has the arrow down) and after preview, check in, you would be able to see the artifacts. 



Hello, how did you get your artifacts to display the cube views?

Well, it appeared after i did the checkin

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