Forum Discussion

AndreaF's avatar
Contributor III
2 years ago

Provision user to access FileShare

Hi, is it possible to give someone access to the FileShare folder in OnePlace, without giving access to the System tab (from where, using File Explorer, it is possible to browse to the FileShare folder)?

Thank you


  • You would need to test this, but I did a quick test and I could access it from that menu with ManageFileShareContents rights, but no System Pane rights.


  • AndreaF's avatar
    Contributor III

    The client has a dashboard extender rule that saves a file into the FileShare and other bits of the code that get the file from the FileShare and extract some info from it. The dashboard extender rule is run by Administrators.

    The client is looking into limiting the access rights of some of its Admin users, removing access to the system tab in OneStream for them. However, while testing their reduced access, these mini-Admin users are getting an error when running the dashboard extender rule. Looking at the error message, it seems the error is coming from the function that performs operations with the files in FileShare. I think getting them access to the FileShare would solve the issue.

    • EricOsmanski's avatar
      Valued Contributor

      You would need to test this, but I did a quick test and I could access it from that menu with ManageFileShareContents rights, but no System Pane rights.


      • AndreaF's avatar
        Contributor III

        EricOsmanski, where is the ManageFileShareContents right set? I cannot find a security role with that name (we are on OS 7.2). Thank you