09-04-2023 06:23 AM
I want to create a QuickView which shows all BS accounts which have a FlowConstraint which isn't "MVT_GEN" but can't figure out how to set it up.
I have used the following:
A#BS.Base:Name(XFMemberProperty(DimType=Account, Member=|MFAccount|, Property=FlowConstraint)
And this returns the whole BS but with the flow constraint instead of the name, but this is not what I'm after!
Thanks a lot
09-05-2023 06:58 AM - edited 09-05-2023 07:06 AM
XFMemberProperty is just a lookup: it will return the value of a property for a specific member (in your case, the currently expanded Account).
What you're after is an expansion filter, a .Where; e.g. A#BS.Base.Where(FlowConstraint DoesNotContain 'MVT_GEN')
Unfortunately, I don't think .Where supports filtering on FlowConstraint - but I might be wrong, try it yourself.
09-12-2023 05:32 AM
Thanks Jack - I think you're right. I have ended up using Text8 and building it from there. A shame the FlowConstraint can't be used for filtering!