10 months agoContributor III
REST API - Cube view query that have parameters ?
Dear community,
I am currently using the REST API (using the Personal Access Token that really works well !) in order to retrive a Cube View.
It's very easy to use as it works just like a regular Data Adapter configuration. However, the cube view that I query is using 2 parameters. If I don't specific the parameters and a value in the REST API query, nothing is returned.
I can specify the value manually, however I will lack the flexibility of the cube view to retrieve specific values. How can I change the REST API call for my cube view so that the parameters are indeed prompted ?
"BaseWebServerUrl": "XXXXXXX",
"ApplicationName": "Production",
"CubeViewName": "PVM_Graph2",
"DataTablePerCubeViewRow ": true,
"ResultDataTableName": "ResultDataTableNames",
"CustomSubstVarsAsCommaSeparatedPairs": "P_POC_INP_UD7_Part1=D1,P_POC_INP_UD7_part2=D2",
"CubeViewDataTableOptions": {
"IncludeTitle": false,
"IncludeHeaderLeftLabel1": true,
"IncludeHeaderLeftLabel2": true,
"IncludeHeaderLeftLabel3": true,
"IncludeHeaderLeftLabel4": true,
"IncludeHeaderCenterLabel1": true,
"IncludeHeaderCenterLabel2": true,
"IncludeHeaderCenterLabel3": true,
"IncludeHeaderCenterLabel4": true,
"IncludeHeaderRightLabel1": true,
"IncludeHeaderRightLabel2": true,
"IncludeHeaderRightLabel3": true,
"IncludeHeaderRightLabel4": true,
"IncludePovCube": true,
"IncludePovEntity": true,
"IncludePovParent": false,
"IncludePovCons": false,
"IncludePovScenario": false,
"IncludePovTime": false,
"IncludePovView": false,
"IncludePovAccount": false,
"IncludePovFlow": false,
"IncludePovOrigin": false,
"IncludePovIC": false,
"IncludePovUD1": false,
"IncludePovUD2": false,
"IncludePovUD3": false,
"IncludePovUD4": false,
"IncludePovUD5": false,
"IncludePovUD6": false,
"IncludePovUD7": false,
"IncludePovUD8": false,
"IncludeMemberDetails": true,
"IncludeRowNavigationLink": false,
"IncludeHasDataStatus": false,
"IncludeAnnotation": false,
"IncludeAssumptions": false,
"IncludeAuditComment": false,
"IncludeFootnote": false,
"IncludeVarianceExplanation": false