Read only commentary

New Contributor III

Hi All,

Is it possible to block a specific column of commentary for input in a cubeview? Our customer has a requirement to enter commentary on different levels (local, regional, global), but when for example global is entering a comment, they should be able to see the regional commentary, but not adjust it. Is this possible? In the design and reference guide it states that even if allow input is set to false, the update of V#Annotation is possible. Is there a workaround for this?

With kind regards,

Tim Vierhout


Valued Contributor

Hi Tim,

Did you try Data Access Security on the Cube and give the regional users Read rights to that commentary member? If you need them to have Write access on that member but have a specific Cube View you need this to be Read Only, you could e.g. create a dynamic member for reporting pulling the text and displaying it in that CV.