Forum Discussion

Marlin's avatar
New Contributor III
3 years ago

Simple Row Expansion (+/- buttons) in Cube View with Acconts

I have a cube view set up with only Account in the rows that I am using the expansion as follows: A#PAT.TreeDescendantsInclusiveR


I would expect this to display as collapsed with PAT showing and the ability to expand the accounts shown, through the account hierarchy using the + buttons and - buttons to hide. Screenshot of actual behavior shown. 


Is this a different setting? Am I using the wrong member expansion? 

  • GParreiras's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Hi Marlin, I think the automatic row expansion is only available when using 'Tree' expansion.

  • kwojsz's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Hi Marlin, I think that only .Tree expansion gives the ability to interact with the expanding/collapsing abilities. The others are expanded by default. Additionally, for the .Tree you can make a use of RowExpansionMode header formatting feature.