Summarizing a member expansion so it appears as a single row in Quickview

New Contributor II

I am trying to create a quickview that would require the data presented to consider some account configuration that only appears on the decendents set up.


ex i have a parent member P that has multiple children and would like use a where clause to exclude IsIC data. i tried to do A#P.Base(IsIC False) but this results in multiple lines where i would want to only have one line presented that is removing the data associated with the children that are IC. is there a function that would let me create a summary line while still checking the descendent configuration?


Contributor II

Hi Samuel,

You can use this XFBR Rule just update the highlighted part as per your requirement and it will return a string 

"GetDataCell(E#E1 + E#E2 + E#E3)" so you'll get a sum in a single line 

Syntax to call xfbr functions "XFBR(businessRuleName, brFunctionName)"


If args.FunctionName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("GetSumMemberGetDatacell") Then
Dim entityList = BRApi.Finance.Metadata.GetMembersUsingFilter(si, "FinBU1", "E#TotBU1.Base.Where(Text1 Contains '39000')", False)
Dim entityGetDataCell As String = ""
For Each entity As MemberInfo In entityList
entityGetDataCell = $"{entityGetDataCell} + E#{entity.Member.Name}" 
' Remove the leading " + " if present
If entityGetDataCell.StartsWith(" + ") Then
entityGetDataCell = entityGetDataCell.Substring(3)
End If
Return $"GetDataCell({entityGetDataCell})"
End If
Thanks, Omkareshwar
Archetype Consulting
Thanks, Omkareshwar
Archetype Consulting

Do you know if when utilizing the Business rule method its possible to drill down to detail as you would with a regular line item. I noticed that when i use gedatacell the drill down only shows the getdatacell formula and does not allow you to drill down on dimensions ?

New Contributor II

Do you know if when utilizing the Business rule method its possible to drill down to detail as you would with a regular line item. I noticed that when i use gedatacell the drill down only shows the getdatacell formula and does not allow you to drill down on dimensions ?

Sorry I don't have any information on that. For member formulas we can have a formula for calculation drill down but in a spreadsheet for an XFBR rule I don't know how this can be done.

Thanks, Omkareshwar
Archetype Consulting