Synthax for parent entity of E#Root.WFProfileEntities?

New Contributor III

Hello, I have a cube view that is driven by the workflow. In this cubeview the user sees base level entities as columns . This is achieved by using the synthax E#Root.WFProfileEntities.

At the same time I would like to add a column that totals those base level entities to see what the totals are at the parent level. Does anyone know what the syntax is? Thank you in advance for your time.


Community Manager
Community Manager

All the member expansions are documented in the design and reference guide (accessible from ”?” icon top right in the application) on the page "Member Expansion Functions".

This said, the main problem here is: do these entities all share one single parent? If not, you won't be able to use expansions, you will have to write your own custom Member List in code.

New Contributor III

Thank you for taking the time to explain that.