Hi SWilyums,
I put together a very quick example to test a similar filter to see if I was able to figure out what could be going on but it seems to be working ok in my case.
Here's the code I've tried:
Dim dt As Datatable = BRApi.Import.Data.FdxExecuteDataUnit(si, "PeoplePln", "E#UK", "Local", scenarioTypeId.Budget, "S#BudgetDefault", "T#2021M5", "YTD", True, "UD1 = 'None' And (Account = 'Bonus' OR Account = 'Staff Costs' OR Account = 'None')", 1, False)
Stupid question I know 🙂 but have you double checked that there's data for that exact combination you are filtering?
I've ran my test on v8.2.0 and I don't see anything wrong with your filter so the only options that come to my mind are version related or that the combination of filters does actually result in no data.
You can use the following function to print the content of your data table, maybe that can help you with the debug:
Public Function PrintDataTable(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal dt As DataTable, ByVal Optional strSeparator As String = "|", ByVal Optional limit As Integer = 0, ByVal Optional boolPrintTableName As Boolean = True, ByVal Optional list As List(Of String) = Nothing, ByVal Optional strTextSep As String = Nothing) As String
Dim strLog As New text.StringBuilder
Dim strBRName As String = System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name
Dim listColToSkip As New List(Of String) ({"None"})
If Not IsNothing(list) Then
listColToSkip = list
End If
strLog.AppendLine(String.Format("{0} - Sep: {1}, Limit: {2}, Print Table Name: {3}, Col(s) To Skip: {4}", strBRName, strSeparator, limit.ToString, boolPrintTableName.ToString, String.Join(", ", listColToSkip)))
If strSeparator.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("tab") Then
strSeparator = vbTab
End If
Dim result As New Text.StringBuilder
If boolPrintTableName Then
result.AppendLine("Table name: " & dt.TableName)
End If
Dim header As String = Nothing
For Each dc As DataColumn In dt.Columns
strLog.AppendLine(String.Format("{0} - Col Name: {1}, To Skip: {2}", strBRName, dc.ColumnName, listColToSkip.Contains(dc.ColumnName)))
If Not listColToSkip.Contains(dc.ColumnName) Then
header = header & dc.ColumnName & strSeparator
End If
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(header) Then
End If
If limit = 0 Then limit = dt.Rows.Count -1
If limit > dt.Rows.Count -1 Then limit = dt.Rows.Count -1
For curRow As Integer = 0 To limit
Dim row As String = String.Empty
For curCol As Integer = 0 To dt.Columns.Count -1
If Not listColToSkip.Contains(dt.Columns(curCol).ColumnName) Then
If strTextSep Is Nothing Then
row = row & dt.Rows(curRow)(curCol).ToString.Trim & strSeparator
row = row & strTextSep & dt.Rows(curRow)(curCol).ToString.Trim & strTextSep & strSeparator
End If
End If
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(row) Then
End If
Return result.ToString
Catch ex As Exception
BRApi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, strLog.ToString)
Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
End Try
End Function