Trying to open an XLbook from the Spreadsheet but that doesn't seem to work

Valued Contributor
Originally posted by Hein Scholten


Trying to open an XLbook from the Spreadsheet but that doesn't seem to work. I can open XLS but no XLbooks. Tried Open with... but that don't work either. Has anyone tried this? Or do we still need the add in for XL books?


Valued Contributor
Originally posted by Andrea Tout

Are you trying to open it from OneStream or from your desktop? Check the file name to be sure it is correct. It should be: NewBook.xfDoc.xlBook. Another reason I have seen this happen where the book just looks blank is if I add reports in instead of "Excel Export Items". Can you send a pic of the books configuration? It never hurts to double check you have the correct report names, if anything is spelled wrong the books just don't work, they don't give you an error

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