VarianceExplanations - Agg

Valued Contributor
Originally posted by Diane Rochford

How to I get the variance explanations, entered at base entity, to agg to the parent entity?


Valued Contributor
Originally posted by James Kirkby

Hi Diane - had the same question a while back and eventually figured it out here 🙂


I created a UD8 Dynamic Calc member, which I put in a column of a cube view to aggregate this information. Hope this helps!


'Check to see if the current Cube View row has Children

If api.Entity.HasChildren Then

'Declare a variable outside of the loop to display the concatened footnotes
	Dim ParentAggDispSB As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
'Get the entity in the current row to build the list of children
	Dim CurrentEntity As String = api.Pov.Entity.Name
'Create a list that consists of the entities current children	
	Dim CurEntityChildren As New List(Of Member)
	CurEntityChildren = api.Members.GetChildren(api.Dimensions.GetDim("MainEntity").DimPk, api.Members.GetMember(DimType.Entity.ID,CurrentEntity).MemberId)
	Dim CurEntToAgg As Member
'Loop thru the Each Entity in the list of children
		For Each CurEntToAgg In CurEntityChildren
			Dim CurEntToAggStr As String = CurEntToAgg.Name
			Dim ChildEntFootNote As DataCellEx
'Get the current footnote
			ChildEntFootNote = api.Data.GetDataCellEx("E#"& CurEntToAgg.Name &":V#Footnote:U8#None")	
			Dim ChildEntFootnoteStr As String
			ChildEntFootnoteStr = ChildEntFootNote.DataCellAnnotation.ToString		
'If no footnote end the process. Otherwise add the current child footnote to a concatenated string			
			If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(ChildEntFootNoteStr) Then 				
			End If 
'Return the fully concatenated string if any footnotes are available
	Return ParentAggDispSB.ToString			

End If