XFSetCell REFRESH requirement

New Contributor II

Is there a setting or option wherein users don’t have to refresh the XFSetCell based excel reports every time the file is opened?


New Contributor III

Have you tried changing the Administration - Preferences setting for "Invalidate Old Data When WorkBook Is Opened" from True to False?

Valued Contributor II

Adding a screenshot for more clarity:





New Contributor II

Yes. That setting is set to False. I believe it only applies to QuickView and not XFGetCell. OS Support asked us to raise an enhancement in Ideastream

Valued Contributor II

Hi, I just tested it again to make sure. This setting applies to Quick Views as well as XFGetCell in Excel. I am on version 7.1.1. Maybe you are using some references in the formulas that break it? Not sure how far you have tested this, but I recommend testing this with the most simple set up first and then work your way up to where you are now to determine where the error may be.

New Contributor III

I had the same issue and setting "Invalidate Old Data ...." to false allow me to have my last data retrieve when I open my file.

But I still have an issue :  my tab have some collapsed colums and rows and when I Ungroup it the #REFRESH appears.

The only way I founds is to desactivate automatic calculation in excel and have a new habit clicking on F9 to calculatre manually. (I don't know if we can add something in a xl formula to make the cell not be refreshed automatically)


But totally agree that we need an enhancement.