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OSAdmin's avatar
Valued Contributor
5 years ago

has anyone done data import/validate/load automation using the connector business rule?

Originally posted by Ashok Amresh

We are loading data using SQL connector business rule and it works fine manually. looking for a way to load it automatically using a extender business rule and then calling from DM step. has any one done this? can you share sample code if possible?

  • OSAdmin's avatar
    Valued Contributor
    Originally posted by Frank Dossing

    hi Ashok,


    you can trigger a workflow load by using the BRApi method as below:

    If BRApi.Import.Process.ExecuteParseAndTransform(si, wfUnitClusterPk,Nothing,Nothing,TransformLoadMethodTypes.Replace,sourceDataOriginTypes.FromDirectConnection,False).Status = WorkflowStatusTypes.Completed Then

    There are methods for import, validate and load.


    So setup a function that triggers a specific workflow, then you can call that function from a DM.

  • OSAdmin's avatar
    Valued Contributor
    Originally posted by Krishna Srinivasan

    Thanks. I am new to OS and could you please explain what is wfUnitClusterPk ? how to pass the values. If you have an example that would be great.


  • OSAdmin's avatar
    Valued Contributor
    Originally posted by Krishna Srinivasan

    Thanks. I am new to OS and could you please explain what is wfUnitClusterPk ? how to pass the values. If you have an example that would be great.



  • OSAdmin's avatar
    Valued Contributor
    Originally posted by Krishna Srinivasan

    I am new to OS and I was able to find how to call the Execute & Transform using si.WorkflowClusterPk this will work. To start with you can use this code but I am working on dynamically selecting the values. The below code will give you an idea.


    Dim SourceDataOrginTypes As String = sourceDataOriginTypes.FromDirectConnection

    Dim TransformLoadMethodTypes1 = TransformLoadMethodTypes.ReplaceAllTime

    Dim objLoadTransformProcessInfo As LoadTransformProcessInfo = BRApi.Import.Process.ExecuteParseAndTransform(si,si.WorkflowClusterPk,Nothing,Nothing,TransformLoadMethodTypes1,SourceDataOrginTypes,False)




    • kbon's avatar
      New Contributor


      am trying to use this code above for my dev (same objective : automate the import workflow ) but doesn't work for me ... it seems like the system doesn't recognize the wfclusterpk and doesn't launch the import process and finish by failing ) 


      Dim wfClusterPk As WorkflowUnitClusterPk = api.SI.WorkflowClusterPk

      Dim SourceDataOrginTypes1 As String = sourceDataOriginTypes.FromDirectConnection

      Dim TransformLoadMethodTypes1 = TransformLoadMethodTypes.ReplaceAllTime

      Dim objTaskActivityItem As TaskActivityItem = BRApi.Utilities.ExecuteDataMgmtSequence(si, "Test_Import", Nothing)

      Dim objLoadTransformProcessInfo As LoadTransformProcessInfo = BRApi.Import.Process.ExecuteParseAndTransform(si, WfClusterPk,Nothing,Nothing,TransformLoadMethodTypes.Replace,SourceDataOrginTypes1,False)

      If objLoadTransformProcessInfo.Status = WorkflowStatusTypes.Completed Then

      Return objTaskActivityItem

      End If

      can you please check the code above and help ? thank you 

      also should we add it on the extender BR or finance module ?