What is the simplest way to prevent a user that is able to certify to un-certify

Valued Contributor
Originally posted by Geoffroy des Dorides


What is the simplest way to prevent a user that is able to certify to un-certify : In a base input workfow I have a task requiring a certification

Therefore user are in the security group that allow ""Certification SignOff Group""
I would like that these users are able to certify but not uncertify.
(for design reason I cannot activate lock after certify functionality)
what is the simplest way to achieve this? "


Valued Contributor
Originally posted by Nick Kroppe

Select Case args.OperationName
Case Is = BREventOperationType.DataQuality.Certify.SaveCertifyState
If args.IsBeforeEvent = False Then
'go get the certify/uncertify event and WF info
Dim wfUnitClust As WorkflowUnitPk = DirectCast(args.Inputs(1), WorkflowUnitPk)
If BRApi.Workflow.Metadata.GetProfile(si, wfUnitClust.ProfileKey).Name.XFEqualsIgnoreCase(""Some Workflow Name"") Then
Dim certifyInstance As CertifySignOffInstanceInfo = DirectCast(args.Inputs(2), CertifySignOffInstanceInfo)
'get the sign off state ""120"" = Certified
Dim signOffState As Integer = certifyInstance.SignOffState
If Not certifyInstance Is Nothing Then
'if a user is trying to uncertify
If signOffState <> 120 Then
'call out a specific user to block an uncertify event for
If certifyInstance.UserName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase(""nkroppe"") Then
Throw New XFException(si, New Exception(""Error: Unable to uncertify workflow.""))
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Select
in your example, instead of blocking a specific user, could you block a user group?

Yes, you totally could! I don't have the code on hand, but you could use the brapi.Security.Authorization.IsUserInGroup(si, groupID) function to test if the user who executed the uncertifcation action is in a specific group.


This is another implementation that avoids hardcoded sign off states, but rather uses the workflow status to understand if the certification was done or not

'Perform the check only for the users belongig to a specific group
If brapi.Security.Authorization.IsUserInGroup(si, si.UserName, "CannotUncertify", False) Then
	'Check before the action happens
	If args.IsBeforeEvent Then
		'Intercept current workflow information
		Dim currWfInfo As WorkflowInfo = args.DefaultReturnValue
		'Check if the current step is a certification step
		If currWfInfo.CurrentStep.Classification = StepClassificationTypes.Certify Then
			'Check if the current step is completed
			If currWfInfo.CurrentStep.Status = WorkflowStatusTypes.Completed Then
				Throw New XFException("You do not have the right to revert workflow certification")
			End If
		End If
	End If
End If