Annotation in a Form Matrix Import Template

New Contributor


I am using an excel Form Matrix template to load some data into OneStream. I am trying to add Annotations into this view but I am facing a issue. 

Using the AN# in the matrix layout will automatically populate all the periods with the same comment. I would like to specify in the template for the annotation to go only to T#|WFYear|M12 for example. 

Can anyone help me with this?OSCommunityMatrix.png

Thank you


Contributor III

This might be a stupid answer but have you tried adding T#|WFYear|M12 to AN#

eg AN#::T#|WFYear|M12

Hello MarcusH, 

Yes I have tried that, and doesn't work. It gives me the error saying that Matrix Range only works with Amount (AMT#). 

Any other suggestion?

The only other thing I can think of is not pretty. You use Excel formulas to copy the data from the 12 period matrix and create a new xff named range which has a separate row for each period. Then on the M12 row you have the Annotation. So the columns would be something like:

AMT#    T#    AN#

You will of course need to remove the original xff named range. I have done it for XFD templates but not XFF so I don't know if it will work.


Did you ever get this to work.  I am trying the same thing and able to load data to period 12 by separating Amt and Time columns but can't get the Annotation to load.  Am I sure it is just some syntax we are missing as they have a column for Annotation so i know it can be loaded.  Guide is not that helpful as it does not give an example of what is needed to make it work.




New Contributor II

Not sure if you can accomplish that using a matrix template, since all 12 months share only 1 annotation field on a single line. If you need 12 months as columns in your template and if XFSetCell is an acceptable option, you can use that method, instead.  

It turned out that it was working the whole time and I was just not at the right intersection.  My testing and dashboard forms were at Origin -> BeforeAdj and I was loading everything to Forms.  That is fine for cube data but not Annotations.  When it finally clicked that this data is stored in a SQL table and not the cube, I realized I needed to load to BeforeAdj so it would showup on my Dashboard Form.  Also did not think you could load via the forms process to anything but Forms.  I also split it out into two worksheets.  One for Annotations (only one Amt column and a fixed Time column) from our $$ loads (12 Amt/Time columns).  It all works great.

Hi Could you please share how you loaded annotation in your XFF template. I am having issues with a single period load and a matrix load. Try to follow your screen shot
