01-17-2023 08:12 PM
I have a dashboard on a workflow and the profile name is Workspace, Certify.
I would like to be able to batch certify this node but I cannot because I believe the system is expecting me to manually Complete the Workspace first.
Does anyone know if it is possible to either auto complete the dashboard workspace or not have to complete the workspace.
I am able to batch certify once all of the node have been manually completed.
01-18-2023 09:36 AM
This would have to be done with a Business Rule, which can be triggered from a Data Management job.
The relevant call is BRApi.Workflow.Status.SetWorkflowStatus, here's an (untested) example snippet to get started:
' yourProfileName will be like "ParentProfileName.ChildWorkflowName", e.g. Clubs.Import
Dim wfToUpdate As WorkflowUnitClusterPk = BRApi.Workflow.General.GetWorkflowUnitClusterPk(si, yourProfileName, yourScenarioName, yourPeriodName)
BRApi.Workflow.Status.SetWorkflowStatus(si, wfToUpdate, StepClassificationTypes.Workspace, WorkflowStatusTypes.Completed, "Auto completing Workspace", "Error autocompleting Workspace", "Auto completing", Nothing)
01-20-2023 09:23 AM
Thanks so much, we will try this!
02-21-2024 10:14 AM - edited 02-21-2024 02:28 PM
I found the answer to my question.