Forum Discussion

Mustafa_A's avatar
Contributor II
3 years ago

Clear data from Workflow import

Hey everyone - 


How do I clear data from these workflow manual imports automatically?

Right now, I've been going through each month one by one. Wondering if there is a BR that can run them all together and clear up data from those specific imports and time dimension. 

Here are the steps I want to follow: 

Navigate to import that needs to be cleared > Clear > Re-Transform > Validate > Load Cube





  • Did you try using the Workflow Batch Multi Period Processing screen?  


    • Mustafa_A's avatar
      Contributor II

      Oh. I didn't see this before. Very useful to know!!

  • You can create an Extender rule that mimics a load using the following.

    Dim impProcessInfo As LoadTransformProcessInfo = BRApi.Import.Process.ExecuteParseAndTransform(si, wfCurrentClusterPk, "filename or dm name", Nothing, TransformLoadMethodTypes.Replace, SourceDataOriginTypes.FromFileUpload, True)

      You can change the loadmethodtypes to do replaces. I've not tried that with a blank file though.

    • Mustafa_A's avatar
      Contributor II

      Hi ckattookaran 

      I'm not intending to load a blank file. I want the WF to "Clear" data by itself, and run the validation-load steps period by period. 

      Last night,  I figured out a different solution and it works. It's mainly defining the workflow (using as WFUnitClusterPk) and using brapi.import.process to execute the various steps (Clear Data, Retransform, Validate, Load).


      • ckattookaran's avatar

        Your question was how can I clear the data from workflow profiles, not how can I automate the load process!

        Are you saying that there is a method in brapi.import.process to clear the data alone?