Data source Complex Expression in Logical Operator
I have 2 Datasource imports that I want to use the same mapping tables. The first workflow is an actual monthly GL load. The datasource is a comma delimited file and uses 2 different columns to determine the source value for the UD1 dimension. The second Datasource will use an Excel Matrix to Load Budget data for multiple periods. There is logic in the first Datasource to use the Account source value instead of the UD1 source column as defined by position. This is based on the value in the Account source field. See the code below:
Dim Accountcol As String = args.Value
'Reminder - (2) column is 3th column in excel - need to count "0" as a digit
Dim CostCentercol As String = api.Parser.DelimitedParsedValues(6)
'Identify PL Accounts (greater than 39999)
If Accountcol > 39999 Then
'Need to bring in Cost Center
Return CostCentercol
'Use Account as UD2 source
Return Accountcol
End If
My question is How do I create a datasource using an excel Matrix load that refers to the Columns defined with A# and UD2# ? Is there a method similar to api.Parser.DelimitedParsedValues(6) that I can code into the Matrix based Datasource to test the source value coming from the Excel cilumn value ?