Forum Discussion

ImanolCriado's avatar
New Contributor II
8 months ago

File encoding issue after migrating to 8.2.2

Our customer has been importing ANSI-encoded files to OS, which contains spanish characters, as 'ñ' and accents, for years. These characters were recognized properly until OS 6.8. But after migrating to 8.2.2, they are no long: 'España' is shown in the workflow as 'Espa�a'.

This is a big issue for the customer, as they use the workflow stage tables for OS reports and export that data to a Data Warehouse.

We have tested encoding a file as UTF-8 and worked, but changing the encoding the files is not a good solution for the customer as they load files from many different sources.

This looks related to the migration: Is there any way to load ANSI-encoded files without this problem?

  • Thanks Karl,

    We finally did so, and support team confirmed that from version 8.x only UTF8 files will be supported


  • KarlT's avatar
    Contributor III


    I would suggest raising a Case with Support since this is related to a recent upgrade.


    • ImanolCriado's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Thanks Karl,

      We finally did so, and support team confirmed that from version 8.x only UTF8 files will be supported
