Is it possible to load Data in OneStream when Workflow is locked?


Business Rules can be used to load data into OneStream even after certification and Data locking.  Rule writers must take care and ensure that the rules has syntax lines to prevent such things for happening. 

Any other comments on this topic from the experts? 


Valued Contributor

Hi there 🙂
In OneStream you lock a workflow. You do not lock data load to the cube.
Locking a workflow is a combination of Workflow Profile + Scenario + Time + Origin + Entities.
Business rules override all this as you mentioned. But remember that business rules can not be changed by the end users, but they provide flexibility for the admin/developer. Changes in scripts/BR are in the audit log also and the auditors could use the solution AST to check and monitor changes.

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If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.

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Good points Nicolas 😀! true re changes


This question always get asked by OneStream users, hopefully we both provided some additional context. take care and thanks 

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Contributor II

Good points Nicolas and Chris.  OneStream Workflows process by the Level 2 Workflow Data Unit for data loading, data clearing, and data locking.  This includes Cube, Entity, Time, Scenario, Consolidation, and Account.  Data Loading, data clearing, and data locking can be done at a further granularity by introducing the Level 3 Workflow Data Unit to include a UD dimension.  When we talk about Workflow locking, it really means Workflow Data Unit locking.  The Workflow will lock depending on which Data Unit ( 2 or 3 ) is configured.  

It is important to assign Entities to Workflows when data loading, data clearing, and data locking.  It is an important part of processes and to ensure data quality.  The Workflow that owns the Entity also controls the rules for data loading, clearing, and locking.  So if you have 2 Workflows ( Workflow A and Workflow B ) that load to Entity A and Workflow A owns Entity A, the Workflow B must abide by the rules of Workflow A that owns Entity A.  If the Workflow Data Unit is locked for the Entity through Workflow A, Workflow B will not be able to load, clear, or lock data for Entity A.  

From a Business Rule or Member Formula perspective, data does not necessarily get loaded to the Cube unless we are discussing a lights out batch process through an Extensibility Rule.  Assuming we are not discussing a lights out batch process, data records from Business Rules/Member Formulas are created or updated based on the foundational data that was loaded from Stage or input from Forms.  The data in the Cube drives the creation of more data records or updates data cell values on current data records upon Calculate, Translate, or Elimination.  If any BR's or Member Formulas need updating or net new, there should be a strong consideration to make them time varying on the Member Formula or in the BR.  This would make the Calc Status OK,MC and would require a Force Calc/Force Cons to accept this change.  This change could potentially create additional data records or update current data cell values on data records after the Workflow Data Unit has been locked.  So to Chris's point, Rule Writers should ensure they are careful with syntax and verifying changes should be time and/or scenario based.  

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Hi Toni , Tone , Tony 


I am really glad we managed to clear up this topic on data clocking, taking into account level 1.2.3 data unit. 
I share the view of hundreds of OneStreamers that workflow is the coolest functionality in the product 👍🏿
cheers Toni , we appreciate your input ! 

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Valued Contributor

Hi there 🙂
In OneStream you lock a workflow. You do not lock data load to the cube.
Locking a workflow is a combination of Workflow Profile + Scenario + Time + Origin + Entities.
Business rules override all this as you mentioned. But remember that business rules can not be changed by the end users, but they provide flexibility for the admin/developer. Changes in scripts/BR are in the audit log also and the auditors could use the solution AST to check and monitor changes.

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If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.


Good points Nicolas 😀! true re changes


This question always get asked by OneStream users, hopefully we both provided some additional context. take care and thanks 

Contributor II

Good points Nicolas and Chris.  OneStream Workflows process by the Level 2 Workflow Data Unit for data loading, data clearing, and data locking.  This includes Cube, Entity, Time, Scenario, Consolidation, and Account.  Data Loading, data clearing, and data locking can be done at a further granularity by introducing the Level 3 Workflow Data Unit to include a UD dimension.  When we talk about Workflow locking, it really means Workflow Data Unit locking.  The Workflow will lock depending on which Data Unit ( 2 or 3 ) is configured.  

It is important to assign Entities to Workflows when data loading, data clearing, and data locking.  It is an important part of processes and to ensure data quality.  The Workflow that owns the Entity also controls the rules for data loading, clearing, and locking.  So if you have 2 Workflows ( Workflow A and Workflow B ) that load to Entity A and Workflow A owns Entity A, the Workflow B must abide by the rules of Workflow A that owns Entity A.  If the Workflow Data Unit is locked for the Entity through Workflow A, Workflow B will not be able to load, clear, or lock data for Entity A.  

From a Business Rule or Member Formula perspective, data does not necessarily get loaded to the Cube unless we are discussing a lights out batch process through an Extensibility Rule.  Assuming we are not discussing a lights out batch process, data records from Business Rules/Member Formulas are created or updated based on the foundational data that was loaded from Stage or input from Forms.  The data in the Cube drives the creation of more data records or updates data cell values on current data records upon Calculate, Translate, or Elimination.  If any BR's or Member Formulas need updating or net new, there should be a strong consideration to make them time varying on the Member Formula or in the BR.  This would make the Calc Status OK,MC and would require a Force Calc/Force Cons to accept this change.  This change could potentially create additional data records or update current data cell values on data records after the Workflow Data Unit has been locked.  So to Chris's point, Rule Writers should ensure they are careful with syntax and verifying changes should be time and/or scenario based.  

Hi Toni , Tone , Tony 


I am really glad we managed to clear up this topic on data clocking, taking into account level 1.2.3 data unit. 
I share the view of hundreds of OneStreamers that workflow is the coolest functionality in the product 👍🏿
cheers Toni , we appreciate your input !