Multiple Dimensions in XFD Columns

New Contributor

I'm trying to convert a 5YP forecasting file into an XFD excel import file. Unfortunately the business currently plans by year and 'scenario' (UD5) on the column so it's not as simple as adding the xfd tokens in. This is a simplified example of the planning file:


Has anyone got any prior experience of creating an xfd file with multiple dimensions in the columns? Ideally this would all be kept in one sheet, rather than splitting it one sheet per UD5. 



You cannot create a template like this when using the XFD template if you want the OS to recognize the data. XFD templates must consist of named range where the first row of the named range holds the dimension tokens and the following rows contain the data intersections you want to populate you could take one of two approaches:

  1. Have a tab for each year with the all of the dimensions in your model and an amount field. All the tokens where the value is static can be set in the dimension token and that column hidden, and the dimensions where you have varying values i.e. Account and UD5 in your example you would add as an additional row for each unique intersection.
  2. Same as above but all data is on a single tab and you use a Matrix load where Time is the Matrix Member in the dimension token row