11-20-2023 12:09 PM - edited 11-20-2023 12:09 PM
Is it possible to get the user who completed a 'Form Input' step in OneStream ?
To clarify, I am able to do so for 'Import/Validate/Load' steps but I'm under the impression that it's impossible for Forms or Journals. Anyone with a similar experience ?
Here goes my desperate attempt:
Dim wfstatus As WorkflowInfo = BRApi.Workflow.Status.GetWorkflowStatus(si, mywfstep)
Dim logusername as String = wfstatus.LastExecutedStep.StepLogItems(0).UserName
' (wfstatus.LastExecutedStep.StepLogItems is Nothing) = True
Solved! Go to Solution.
11-24-2023 08:10 AM
There is a DataAdapter method that will give you that information, so you can execute that (from a rule if necessary).
As far as I can see (but I've not tested it), the public API allows you to retrieve the forms with BRApi.Forms.Metadata.GetForms(si, wfClusterPk) , which should reflect form status, but it doesn't report the author. You could get the form ID from there and then look up some database table to get the user, but I reckon it's easier to just leverage the adapter.
12-15-2023 04:29 PM
Same deal my friend, you need to leverage infos from the tables in your database ! Go check out the table 'TaskflowLogItems' and search for the rows where 'Reason contains ConfirmXXX' and cross it with another table that logs infos you need. Everything is stored there ! For Import/Validate/Load steps you can find what you need in 'TaskActivity' tables
If this helps a bit, don't hesitate to drop a Kudos it would be appreciated
11-24-2023 08:10 AM
There is a DataAdapter method that will give you that information, so you can execute that (from a rule if necessary).
As far as I can see (but I've not tested it), the public API allows you to retrieve the forms with BRApi.Forms.Metadata.GetForms(si, wfClusterPk) , which should reflect form status, but it doesn't report the author. You could get the form ID from there and then look up some database table to get the user, but I reckon it's easier to just leverage the adapter.
11-24-2023 08:51 AM
Thanks for replying, I've been impatiently waiting
I tried the method above, but weirdly I get an Empty DataTable (I am 200% there are no typos in my query). In database tables, I found the place where Forms are supposed to be logged but even there I can't see any form (There are at least 30 Forms in the app with 'Profile Active' set to true).
What might be the root cause of this ?
11-24-2023 09:27 AM
Update: The requirement Level of the Form needs to be set as 'Required' for it to be seen in the DataBase !
Even though we cannot see audit details for 'Optional' Forms, the above does the job. Thanks Jack
12-13-2023 11:01 PM
How did you get the Username for the step? I couldn't figure the function. Sorry, I think I am almost there but not there
12-15-2023 12:57 PM
Hello there,
I used an SQL query to retrieve the infos I needed (completedUserName, RevertedUserName, StepStatus etc ...) but only if the form step has been initiated !
Here is a code sample:
Dim wfClusterPk As WorkflowUnitClusterPk = BRApi.Workflow.General.GetUserWorkflowInitInfo(si).GetSelectedWorkflowUnitClusterPk()
Dim baseWfProfileInfo As List(Of WorkflowProfileInfo) = BRApi.Workflow.Metadata.GetRelatives(si, wfClusterPk, WorkflowProfileRelativeTypes.Descendants, WorkflowProfileTypes.AllProfiles)
If baseWfProfileInfo.Count > 0 Then
For Each wfstep As WorkflowProfileInfo In baseWfProfileInfo
If wfstep.GetAttribute(myscenarioType.Id, 1300).GetValueAsInt(True) = 1 Then
Dim tempsql As New Text.StringBuilder
Dim tempdt = New DataTable("dataTableResult")
tempsql.AppendLine("SELECT *")
tempsql.AppendLine("FROM TaskflowStepLog")
tempsql.AppendLine("WHERE TaskflowStepLog.Reason = 'InputForms'")
tempsql.AppendLine("AND TaskflowStepLog.Wfk = '" & wfstep.ProfileKey.ToString & "'")
tempsql.AppendLine("AND TaskflowStepLog.Wsk = '" & wfPk.ScenarioKey.ToString & "'")
tempsql.AppendLine("AND TaskflowStepLog.Wtk = '" & wfPk.TimeKey.ToString & "'")
tempsql.AppendLine("ORDER BY TaskflowStepLog.InstanceTimeStamp Desc")
Using dbConnApp As DBConnInfoApp = BRAPi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si)
tempdt = BRApi.Database.ExecuteSql(dbConnApp, tempsql.ToString, False)
End Using
Dim lastCompleteFormUserName As String = "To Be Determined"
Dim lastRevertFormUserName As String = "To Be Determined"
Dim lastCompleteTime As Date = Date.MinValue
Dim lastRevertTime As Date = Date.MinValue
If tempdt.Rows.Count > 0 Then
Dim CompleteuserID As Guid = tempdt.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(x) x("InstanceStatus") = 2).Select(Function(x) x("UserID")).FirstOrDefault()
Dim lastCompleteSecurityUser As UserInfo = BRApi.Security.Authorization.GetUser(si, CompleteuserID)
Dim RevertuserID As Guid = tempdt.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(x) x("InstanceStatus") = 1).Select(Function(x) x("UserID")).FirstOrDefault()
Dim lastRevertSecurityUser As UserInfo = BRApi.Security.Authorization.GetUser(si, RevertuserID)
If Not lastCompleteSecurityUser Is Nothing Then
lastCompleteFormUserName = lastCompleteSecurityUser.User.Name
lastCompleteTime = tempdt.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(x) x("InstanceStatus") = 2).Select(Function(x) x("InstanceTimeStamp")).FirstOrDefault()
End If
If Not lastRevertSecurityUser Is Nothing Then
lastRevertFormUserName = lastRevertSecurityUser.User.Name
lastRevertTime = tempdt.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(x) x("InstanceStatus") = 1).Select(Function(x) x("InstanceTimeStamp")).FirstOrDefault()
End If
End If
Next wfstep
End If
From these infos you can create your own DataTable like the following:
Lemme know if this did the trick for you
12-15-2023 02:24 PM
This is great. Thank you very much.
Can I ask one other question - Is there a way to get user info for the "Confirm" step? You said you were able to pull user info for Import/Validate/Load step.
12-15-2023 04:29 PM
Same deal my friend, you need to leverage infos from the tables in your database ! Go check out the table 'TaskflowLogItems' and search for the rows where 'Reason contains ConfirmXXX' and cross it with another table that logs infos you need. Everything is stored there ! For Import/Validate/Load steps you can find what you need in 'TaskActivity' tables
If this helps a bit, don't hesitate to drop a Kudos it would be appreciated